Ceinwyn · 26-30, F
Sounds like a plan to me.

I was guessing this was Total War before I saw the comment. lol Which Total War is it?
DancesForJabba · F
@canusernamebemyusername Rome and thrones of Britannia
@DancesForJabba I love Thrones🥺 Though I mod the heck out of everything. Lol
plaguewatcher · M
what game??
DancesForJabba · F
@plaguewatcher Total War
plaguewatcher · M
@DancesForJabba i LOVE those. I lonly have total war rome just now.
YEARS of great Play.
girl gamers rawk
YEARS of great Play.
girl gamers rawk
ineedadrink · 51-55, M
So what's good viking killing food? 🤔
DancesForJabba · F
@ineedadrink chicken chow mein apparently