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I have nothing against electric cars, but Teslas have gotta be the unofficial vehicle for asshats everywhere

And not just because they completely lack the ability to read the road. So far I have seen 3 vanity plates that highlight just how badly Tesla owners want everyone else to know they drive a Tesla.

The first plate I saw read "TES1A", which could easily be misinterpreted as 'Tesia' were the plate not affixed to a Tesla. The second vanity plate I saw read "TE5LA", which if nothing else is at least an improvement over the first one.

But as if the world needed an extra reminder that yes, you are in fact driving a Tesla, today I came a cross a vanity plate named "T3SLA". I've been able to infer from the different permutations of the word 'Tesla' on these plates - which people actually paid money for - that there must also be a vanity plate out there that reads simply "TESLA".

It's just like seeing numbers at the end of a username online. You know somebody else beat them to the punch on their desired handle, so they had to settle for a meager contribution from their number pad to avoid having to think of literally any other word.

Sometimes redundancy has its uses, like when Microsoft Word saves a backup copy of what you were writing when it invariably ends up crashing on you. Or how when in skydiving they have a reserve parachute in case the first one fails and you don't feel like becoming a human missile.

In this case, however, the redundancy is really just in poor taste. If I've learned anything from my time around snobby liberals, it's that the only thing worse than having bad taste is having the money to prove it.
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KingofPizza2 · 36-40, M
I saw one with a license plate that read “GAS LOL”… I think you’re onto something here
Pompous condescending smug jackasses come in a variety of flavors.
DeluxedEdition · 26-30, F
Everyone I know that owns a Tesla is an asshat
TinyViolins · 31-35, M
@DeluxedEdition They certainly drive like it

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