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GEEZ! ...are some medications worth it?

You look 'em up , and the side affects and long term affects really make me wonder if its just better to hack it out med free.

Do doctors even pay attention to what you say? Ive just been given stuff that made my blood pressure sky rocket to stroke levels .

This isnt the first time my doctor has been ignorant . I want to throttle her . She takes no notes , and shoves pills at me with no questions asked.

And i chose her coz she's indian, [you know , India indian , not red indian,] Not to stereo type , but i thought she might be open to more treatments than just shoving tablets at a person .

Im so over this .
I think ill stick with cold Turkey .....and booze😏

You have any bad choices by doctors thrown at you ?
BlueVeins · 22-25
I've had meds that seemed to do more harm than good before. It sucks, but there's not always a better way to do it; everyone's bodies are unique and our conditions are, too. Trial and error is necessary at times. That said, it's still bad for a doctor to come off as unresponsive to their patient, for any reason.
@BlueVeins i think in some countries GP's have it tough.
I mean, 10 minites to assess, diagnose and fix a patient's problem !?!
That's insane !.
I had a guy come look at an elelctrical problem, and it took him that long to locate it and assess it.

A human body is way more complex.

How can 10 minutes be enough ?
Esp when ywars ago , the standard doctor visit was more than twice as long.

And if this is all some doctors are doing , then how much of a stretch is it to design a program that does the very same thing . You input your symptoms, and it spits out a script.

Some doctors are no better than that 😒
Abstraction · 61-69, M
Ok, are you ready for this? NNT. I shared it with two doctors who didn't know. Seriously.
NNT = Number Needed to Treat before one person is helped. For instance, if a drug has an NNT of 10, it would take 10 people treated with the drug to observe 1 case of benefit. Really.
So I don't usually ask about this or check online unless I know there are side effects.

An example. My doctor wanted to put me on statins (because of a temporary eye thing that went away anyway). I refused:
Statins for heart disease
According to The NNT Group, in patients without known heart disease receiving daily statin therapy for 5 years, the NNT for heart attack prevention is 104. In other words, 104 people must take statins to prevent one additional person from having a heart attack. Moreover, the NNT for stroke prevention is 154.

Not even the common painkillers help everyone. So check the NNT.
@Abstraction HOLY CRAP !
This is obscene...
We are labrats!!!

Thanks man ....i m looking this up !
Abstraction · 61-69, M
@OogieBoogie I came across it on a TedTalk a few years ago. I thought... nah, this can't be real. But it is. Just google it. Not sure why it isn't taught in med schools(?) Maybe it is now? But it's not in drug company interests to promote it.
If I take a parecetamol I don't care. But if I'm asked to take a serious drug, doc, please tell me the likelihood of significant side effects and the NNT please. Then I'll make a decision based on that discussion.
4meAndyou · F
I'm so sorry for what has been done to you. You might want to see a doctor of homeopathic to Cherokeepatti on this site. She is quite the herbalist!

I was just prescribed an allergy medication, Singulair, that could, possibly, trigger anger, anxiety and/or depression. I said to myself, (sarcastically), after my appointment, "Gee, did you pick this one out special just for me???" 🤣

In conjunction with that I was prescribed an antibiotic with diarrhea as one of it's side effects, and it didn't work at all...for more than 6 days. I am on the SECOND antibiotic, one more day to go, and it is limping along and just BARELY working. It's been 6 weeks now with this sinus infection. 😢
@4meAndyou oh yes....i see what patti posts , she has SO MUCH knowledge on nutrition and such .
Id love to pick her brain , but then i dont like bugging people either.

Her dietry tips have been useful.

Ive kind of given up on doctors for the moment. Ive found that a particualr way of eating has helped a great deal, better than medications actually.

But.....i do break that eating style now and then . I know each time ill end up paying for it .
But im a sucker for toast and chocolate and friday night drinks .😄
4meAndyou · F
@OogieBoogie Well, you know the triggers and the consequences... It's up to you, now!
Not to me ..not the depression or anti anxiety meds
..not for me anyway
@OogieBoogie yes,that's been my experience too . I don't want to even open pandoras box with medications...these are just kids being kids ...there is nothing wrong with them .They aren't robots they are children ...oi vey ! It's so frustrating....No I will not medicaate my child because teachers do not know and are not willing to learn to teach differently to children whose brains are wired differently...story of my effing life ...
Don't get me started on this m...I'm afraid I've got no off switch
@SW-User oh....i hear you .
I have a child with severe autism
AND i work at a high school.

And no body fucking listens .😠
@OogieBoogie I work with children who have Autism and special needs in an elementary school and have a kid with ADD and it's been rough they don't listen
When I was locked up in the loony bin at the age of 19, I was in n seroquel and that drug turned me into a soulless zombie 100 times more than cocaine or heroin ever did to me.

And I had my first and only dose of the fauchi Ouchie, now I have a next to nothing sperm count on top of my problem there in the past that was healing. Also the funny chest pains that I give less of a shit about now.
@AwakeningConfession221122 do you mean the covid vax?

Im kinda suspicious about it .
You know all that shit about the bees , and making them non fertile?

Yet here we are seeing american states outlaw abortion.

Civil humanity is so fucked up .
@OogieBoogie I’m very grey area about abortions, depending on circumstance and how far into pregnancy. I don’t believe in total outlaw of it. I think it is unfair rape victims being denied that right, but the hypocrisy of “my body, my choice” applies to that but the fauchi Ouchie is a different story. (Fauchi Ouchie = Covid Vax) but on a lot of angles of this life we live in, we need to look carefully but never live in fear. There is never a better time than now to unite humanity. Because it’s our only hope right now.
Oster1 · M
I try to stay away from those poisons! 😉
@Oster1 same .
But i respected professional advice.

3 days i lasted b3fore i threw them out. Screw that.
zorroo · 56-60, M
I'm sorry to say this, I had several bad experiences with Indian doctors or Indians who claim that they are doctors while they have never been to medical colleges, they only have forged certificates that they use in other countries.
she is not a doctor!
@zorroo you know.....personally , i think shes trying to compete with the men at the practice .

But shes failing . She could have been awesome. But she gave into the machine .

Spumoni · 46-50, M
The side effects have caused me to stop some meds cold turkey.
Oster1 · M
@OogieBoogie Don't be surprised. Pack light🤗😘
@Oster1 bathers, wallet and passport it is .

I need to find my back pack .....*rumages in wardrobe *
Oster1 · M
@OogieBoogie You will be fine. 🥴
ExtremeNext · 31-35
My local clinic is all Indian DR s
The guy I see is a total fool he turns his screen around and says which antibiotic do you want
@ExtremeNext dafuq?

Its insane !
$70 for in and out in 8 minutes .
Prostitutes are cheaper and make you feel better 😂
ExtremeNext · 31-35
@OogieBoogie my place still bulk bills but the doctors are the worst
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ButterRobot · 51-55, M
It’s like any profession… some are good, some are bad.

My experience with doctors in India is they go the pharmaceutical option a bit more readily than Aussie doctors.
@ButterRobot really?
That's so disaapointing .
I have recently found much better docs. I was taking a med for 12 years that gave me kidney disease......he just threw pills at me also.....i developed diabetes and high cholesterol. He didnt check my blood work as he should have!! Some docs just dont care......they are all about the money.
@OogieBoogie i have a feeling that youll be just fine. You know what youre doing!! 😁
@SW-User thanks 🤗
I think im over the worst of it.

And , i realise im kinda lucky to have made it this far in my life and not be on medication.

Some aren't so lucky .
@OogieBoogie that is so true!! Im very happy for you!! 😀
ChipmunkErnie · 70-79, M
I have to say from personal experience it's important to be aware of possible side-effects of everything you take, BUT also we have to realize that -- here in the USA at least -- people will sue over pretty much anything, so drug companies list EVERY possible side-effect they can think of, no matter how rare or even unproven, for insurance/liability reasons.
@ChipmunkErnie its more about being given appropriate drugs .

Like dont give someone who has say GURD, a medication thatll enlfame the gastric tract - they could end up in hospital .
And in my case ......i had to ask to have my blood pressure taken, the doctor didnt even think to do it .
And she didnt write it down on my notes which is even more amazing.
(Ie : she didnt want anything falling back on her)
Looking back .......ive come to believe she has fallen to the machine that is the clinic mentality : get in, get thru thru the shift, get paid and get out .

They dont have enough time to care.
nowic2 · 61-69, M
Yep, some doc's seem to just think about the immediate issue. Then there's the matter of continuing to prescribe for extended periods. Leading to over prescription thus exacerbating the initial problem &/or leading to addiction & permanent problems.
Hope you sort your issue out quickly.
@nowic2 yeah, this is what i want to avoid .
And it is sorted . I was only on it for three days before i quit myself .
It FELT all wrong! I started getted bleeding noses!
It was insane . And that wasnt the only nasty symptom.

I had a few issues with this doctor prescribing stuff which had side affects worse than my initial health isssue.

So now, im researching food as medicine , and i feel so much better.

I just think that in this day and age , with the resources available to doctors , this shouldnt happen very often .
Justenjoyit · 61-69, M
I always try alternative natural remedies first, only if I have an infection do I take medication.
@Justenjoyit ive started to take contoll of my own chemistry.

If doctors can fix you by what they put into your sure there's a way i can do it too , even partially , on my own.
Justenjoyit · 61-69, M
@OogieBoogie I know a friend who is a alternative medicine practitioner and he knows a lot on how to look after yourself so if you need any advice please ask plus after listening to him I aways google and his advice is good.
@Justenjoyit oh ....ok

I will.

Im on a new path of 'food as medicine ', im keen to get all tje help i need to helping my body heal my mind .

Yes ..... i know it sounds hippy 😂, bjt ive kinda been surprised at my results so far

Thanks man💜
iamonfire696 · 41-45, F
I take 12 prescribed meds and one is too curb the sides effects of another.

I research the medications and weigh if the benefit is worth more than the risks.

The worst meds I have been on are antibiotics and methotrexate. I felt so sick on methotrexate.
iamonfire696 · 41-45, F
@OogieBoogie it sucks, I just try and push through. I over did it today but I got a new kitten so there’s that.
@iamonfire696 i just saw that .
But imagine the cuddles in the future youll both share .

Natural endophins are so good 🤗
iamonfire696 · 41-45, F
@OogieBoogie yes they are!
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@RogueLoner Pharmecutical companies don’t create cures. They create customers.
Think about it! They are no different to heroin or ice dealers.
@RogueLoner i eat garlic nearly every day. And onions and fresh stuff. Its changed my life .

In fact ....this is how i eat...(took this today actually as i was prepping to cook lunch
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@SW-User 😂it was for me ...i hoped it would make him more attractive 😂

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