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What would you do?

Poll - Total Votes: 5
Wait for the car to make its turn before you go because you're scared to go, even though they turned
Make your turn because it's obvious they will be turning (as you saw them turn on their blinker?)
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You are driving down a road in a car. From where you are, in about 500 feet will be a stop sign. At that stop sign you need to turn left to go to your destination. You look to your right and there are no cars coming toward you. You look to your left and you see a car coming toward you.

The car that is coming toward you, you clearly see that driver turns on the blinker that indicates they are turning onto the road you are currently on.
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I just woke up so my response may be less insightful, but my response is, many a driver flips the turn signal, but quite a few do not turn. I would not trust a blinking turn signal when the other option is being T-boned at the speed limit.

I’ll wait, thank you.
twiigss · M
@Mamapolo2016 Yeah no problem in waiting. If I see a blinker turn on, and the car slow down to a crawl, I assume its probably going to make that turn. Now if the blinker is already on and car is not slowing then yeah, its not making a turn. I'm pretty good at judging when a car slows down to be able to know if they're turning or not.

But that makes no sense to flip the blinker and not turn. They should turn off the blinker then at that point.
REMsleep · 41-45, F
I didn't answer the poll. If there is a stop sign I follow the rules of the 4 way stop sign. If I get there first then I have the right of way to go first. I do pay attention to see if the driver looks crazy or looks distracted like they aren't going to stop.
If I am the one with the stop sign and they don't have a stop sign then I will wait. Never trust a blinker.
twiigss · M
@REMsleep For me it's trusting the blinker and watching the car slow down to be able to make the turn. I'm a pretty good judge at watching the car slow to a crawl in order to make the turn.
Quimliqer · 70-79, M
The other car has the right of way as they don’t have a stop sign.
twiigss · M
@Quimliqer I guess it's hard to explain. But this is in US. Not sure if you are US or UK.
I make sure they are turning.. i don't trust people
Lilnonames · F
I wait I don't trust poeple
twiigss · M
@Lilnonames But if you see the car turn on its blinker and the car is slowing down to where it can safely turn, I can sometimes judge it. I've had it where I see the car, see the blinker turn on, so I go, and as expected the car makes its turn.

I think it's when the car has its blinker on already and it isn't slowing down. But if you can see the other car turn the blinker on, and it slows down, that's indication to me that its turning and I can go.
REMsleep · 41-45, F
@twiigss Too many times a car has a blinker on, slows down and then speeds up. I'm like what in the heck so basically I don't trust anyone. They have to slow way down for me to pull out. Like they have to go so slow that I'm sure we won't have an accident.
twiigss · M
@REMsleep Oh yeah no no, I agree, they really have to be slowing down. If I see a car coming up with a blinker already turned on and they're not slowing down, then yeah I'm not going.

The problem I always run into are people who don't want to stop at stop signs or they dead ass stop on a dime as I'm almost on top of them.
You're not crossing paths so go ahead and turn.

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