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ArishMell · 70-79, M
Definitely not!
I enjoy driving on at least reasonable roads in some situations but walking to my local shop next to a busy main road recently at around 6pm, made me glad I no longer commute every day (retired).
I reckon in that street in your photo it's not only careless motorcyclists and pedestrians you need worry about, but also those neglected or sloppily-fitted overhead cables falling on you!
I enjoy driving on at least reasonable roads in some situations but walking to my local shop next to a busy main road recently at around 6pm, made me glad I no longer commute every day (retired).
I reckon in that street in your photo it's not only careless motorcyclists and pedestrians you need worry about, but also those neglected or sloppily-fitted overhead cables falling on you!
lonewolf91 · 31-35, F
Absolutely not