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what is up with all the ducks on every jeep dashboard recently??

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Pretzel · 61-69, M
What does a duck on a Jeep vehicle mean?
Placing a duck on a Jeep vehicle is known as "ducking," a simple gesture of kindness from one Jeep driver to another. There is no deeper meaning besides a desire to bring a smile to a stranger's face when they return to their vehicle. Now, when you see a rubber duck on the windshield, side mirrors, or other surfaces of a Jeep vehicle, you know why it's there!

What is the origin of the Jeep ducking phenomenon?
While the act of putting ducks on Jeep vehicles has been around for many years, there is no confirmed origin story. However, Jeep ducking exploded as a modern social phenomenon in 2020 when Allison Parliament was determined to balance out a negative experience with a positive gesture by placing a rubber duck on a Jeep model parked in the area with the written message, "Have a great day!"

Do people still put ducks on Jeep vehicles?
Jeep ducking is alive and well in the Jeep community! If anything, the tradition is only growing; we're seeing ducks popping up on Jeep models all over the world. Many Jeep drivers have accumulated so many rubber ducks that they've created "duck ponds" on their dashboards where the toys reside permanently. If the current level of enthusiasm tells us anything, it's that Jeep ducking is here to stay.
hunkalove · 61-69, M
Snowy and Wolfie have ducks on their Jeep dashboard. I didn't know it meant something.
Cantsayno · 56-60, M
I have a bunch on mine
wildbill83 · 41-45, M
must be a stellantis thing...🤔

real Jeep drivers (CJ, YJ, TJ) used to just wave at each other...
Ducky · 31-35, F
You say that like it’s a bad thing.
MyNameIsHurl · 41-45, F
Thats been a thing
Nimbus · M
Who knows?
Maybe they have all gone quackers.
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