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I got a new bike, finally...

I found one at a pawn shop, because I didn't want to drop $300 on one that would fit me and wasn't a piece of crap. So I brought it home, tuned it up, and it's fantastic. So much so, in fact, that the front brakes work really well! Especially when you forget to press the back brakes, it's no problem, because the fronts will stop my bike dead in its tracks, although I will keep moving forward.

So I flew over my handlebars, and hit my (already injured) shoulder, and my face, so it looks like I got in a huge fight; I have a black eye, my face is red and swollen, and it hurts to shave, so I had to cancel my social agenda (for what it was) today. I missed the homeschool group I was supposed to help for my kids, I'll probably miss my doctor's appointment, and I'm not getting any work done because my face and shoulders hurt. A lot of pain over a decision made to improve my health.
Ynotisay · M
Sorry about that. It's one of those lessons with certain activities that can come with a physical price. Front brakes sort of require particular conditions. But anyone who rides will, or has, crashed. Maybe you just got yours out of the way. I've gone over the top with my feet still clipped in a few times. You're just along for the ride at the point. It sucks but I bet anything it's the last time it happens. Don't give up the bike! Good luck.
MarineBob · 56-60, M
Weird how that works, you get a bike fir health reasons. But insurance won't pay for them .
ya not good don't use the front brake cuz ur hand over handle bar and its bye bye bike hello pavement realll quick
smileylovesgaming · 31-35, F
So your not to good at flying it sounds
ShatterMachine · 41-45, M
@smileylovesgaming I'm worse at landing.
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ShatterMachine · 41-45, M
@Stereoguy I don't know. Just pressed the wrong switch and went flying.
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