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Are you comfortable with a new car that has telematics, automatic OTA firmware updates, etc.?

I'm not. As tech person I know how dangerous (from a privacy/safety angle) having a 'connected' vehicle is.

Not only does the car maker get access to the car but so do insurance companies, etc.and this will eventually be used to influence insurance policies, allow governments to control/limit what people can do with their own cars, etc. plus give the car maker carte-blanche ability to force firmware updates.

I'd have a connected car only on one condition - I can locate the radio hardware providing the wireless internet connection and either disable or remove it.
LibertineWolf · 51-55, M
Agreed !! One more way to be tracked. Its a privacy issue! Give me a 67 chevy C-10 pickup with manual controls and no electronics. And if it breaks i can fix it
butterflybaby75 · 46-50, F
@LibertineWolf SWB 40's are so hard to get here in top condition but I'd love a diesel one.
LibertineWolf · 51-55, M
@butterflybaby75 the diesel ones are so reliable and durable. Id love to have one but like you said, so hard to find
One of the things I JUST HATE about new cars.

Had an appointment to get my current vehicle serviced at the dealer. An hour before the appointment they called and asked if I wanted to get it appraised while I was there. Sure, why not....

Once there and after appraisal, they offered to replace it with the current years model and keep the same payment. Told them I was only interested in a bigger vehicle. They brought around a new SUV, one step up from my current SUV (size wise). As I sat in it with the sales guy, it occurred to me that there was "tech" everywhere in that vehicle.

What do you mean the engine stops running at red stop lights??? It has a 3 cylinder turbo-charged engine...WTF? And on and on. PLUS, it was huge money and to soften the $$ facts they said "but you can refi it at the 47 month timeframe."

I decided right there to keep my "Low tech" base model SUV with 4-cylinders and drive it until the wheels fall off.
zonavar68 · 51-55, M
I hate the modern 'safety' tech that makes people disconnect from being situationally aware, but on the flipside because of driver fatigue they can also be helpful. My work's cars all have full DDT systems that watch the eyes of the driver, monitor speeding compliance, etc. added in (that's not part of the vehicle from manufacture). Also I hate that 99.9 percent of people always drive with windows closed and AC on, and that 99 percent of new vehicles all have 'wank factor' LED daylight running lights and auto-on headlights.
zonavar68 · 51-55, M
Pre-2000's Saab's or landcruisers yes! No connection to any ecosystem. My 1992 landcruiser doesn't even have ABS or air con (that works), or power windows. or a tailgate (it has proper barn doors). My Saab cars are early 90's but I have one (a 1981) that is 8V with zero electronic engine control.
butterflybaby75 · 46-50, F
GM for one sells telematics data to LexisNexis and other 'data brokers' that onsell that data to insurance companies. Nobody knows what data Tesla collects about usage of it's cars and where that data gets stored and how it gets used.
jackson55 · M
No. That’s why I have 10 yo vehicles.
mindless · M
I prefer old school unconnected
Jeephikelove · 46-50, F
I don’t like the idea

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