This profile may contain Mildly Adult content.
I'm old, but not much wiser, so deal with it
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val70 · 51-55

In following your gift inscription.
No, not at all. Once upon a time I wanted out of this life,and even now, some days are incredibly hard. I've written several poems about those days and I need to share them here with others who might relate. Still though, the longer it goes on, the issues seem to pile up so who knows. I may lose my will to live again. Sigh😶
It's still a struggle and I'm getting really tired of it all. Is that rudeness, you think? I don't think so
No, not at all. Once upon a time I wanted out of this life,and even now, some days are incredibly hard. I've written several poems about those days and I need to share them here with others who might relate. Still though, the longer it goes on, the issues seem to pile up so who knows. I may lose my will to live again. Sigh😶
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val70 · 51-55
@MoonlightLullaby Yes, but that's how life is too
@val70 Well I can only hope you're not considering something. It's your life though and hopefully peace fills your heart.💟✨🙏
val70 · 51-55
Considering something like what? I can't relax much but there's peace in my heart alright
MissyChrissy · 18-21, F

Hello Ma'am, I messaged you twice a while ago but you never answered. Maybe they went to the requests folder. Can we chat in private please?
samueltyler2 · 80-89, M

looking forward to getting to know you better
SomeMichGuy · M
Valerie: It must be truly eating at your very core to see people cast aside learning, knowledge, understanding, experts, experience, even *facts* a thinking person, a librarian, a historian...and just a rational do you cope with this?
val70 · 51-55
ArtieKat · M
I love your profile pic, Val. A nice mix of the studious and the suggestive!
val70 · 51-55
therighttothink50 · 56-60, M