Wallflow3r · 26-30, F
lol why? I've never been on one but I'm curous.
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cherokeepatti · 61-69, F
@Wallflow3r spoiled brats is what they are if they can complain about all that food and saying it’s bad. They even have smaller restaurants like burger and pizza places and nicer restaurants to order off the menu. Something for everyone but never-do-well types.
@Wallflow3r @cherokeepatti My older brother took his family on a Disney cruise the summer before the pandemic in 2019, he said it was phenomenal, the food was top rate, huge rooms, a massive pool, and Disney World was part of the package.
cherokeepatti · 61-69, F
I don’t. But don’t think I’d like being around so many other people. Most of the cruises have more people on board than towns I have lived in and they were all spread out. Yikes.
JamieS · 46-50, F
I did my share of cruising until I realized that most of those cruise ships' pollution levels are so enormous that they made me think again. Since then, I have stopped being part of that very high number of people going on cruises to enjoy themselves but fully aware that their enjoyment is one of the most detrimental one for the planet.
Saving the planet is always for others, not for those having fun destroying it...
Saving the planet is always for others, not for those having fun destroying it...
saragoodtimes · F
first cruise for us in July
slorollin · 41-45, M
@saragoodtimes same!

They are definitely cruising for a bruising in my book
Jenny1234 · 56-60, F
I went on a cruise about 30 years ago. I loved it. My kids will not go on a cruise with me. They are afraid. I will go on another one day. Judge me all you want lol
nedkelly · 61-69, M
I have been on cruises to the South Pacific many times, and twice to the Caribbean - very relaxing
cherokeepatti · 61-69, F
@nedkelly Was the food good? Someone says it’s not. I think it must be or people wouldn’t keep going on them.
nedkelly · 61-69, M
@cherokeepatti Yes the food was excellent, many different varieties and caters for everyone
They’re generally fine if you don’t mind being around people constantly. Also depends on cruise line. Also depends on cabin you select. Also depends on the type of traveler you are. If you’re fine just getting a taste of destinations rather than immersing yourself in destinations, cruises fit that bill. Some people also see a cruise ship as a floating hotel, so they only have to unpack once their entire trip. Plus prices have come down so cruising can make financial sense.
Elessar · 26-30, M
Me too, they must have a fetish about sleeping in metallic-sounding rat cages and possibly contracting every possible bacterium or virus that manages to get onboard