He started out as a mentor and became a student " The Fonz "
Paschar · 70-79, M
@Paschar: Thank you
[image/video deleted]

eliosgreek · 31-35, M
@kingfish2: He has 100 mentor

@eliosgreek: Agreed.
TheLoveAge · 36-40, F
I've had people come and go teach me things but never had a singular mentor. It's just learning from whomever and wherever and whenever.

Mr. Was Geht Sie Das an
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Paschar · 70-79, M
@GermanAf: I'm German Jewish ' It's considered polite to speak english on an english speaking site , I get more best Answers that way .

@Paschar: That may be, but I just referenced a SpongeBob episode. If that's such a big problem for you, you should probably block me.
Paschar · 70-79, M
@GermanAf: Not my style as a support member
Unless you count someone teaching me a language, I don't actually have one. :O

Sherlock Holmes
PlumBerries · 31-35, F
no mentor that I know of
Invisible · 26-30, M
Tyler Durden
Darina · F
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