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dumpstermeow · 41-45, F
Whatever dude, I joked with you about rape and you did not like it 🙄
ChickenInvasion · 31-35, M
Well I'm not ganna follow u into the bathroom??? And pick up those dropping??

Ok this joke just went down the toliet
dumpstermeow · 41-45, F
@ChickenInvasion: 🙄
ChickenInvasion · 31-35, M
I apologise... Everything just took a turn for the worst...

I fear I'm trying to hard .... I just need to stop trying to be funny and be me for a while ..not just watch TV or something. .

alohamom · F
Abuse, incest, bullying, physical disabilities... I don't think people should laugh at the expense of others.
@ChickenInvasion: It is not funny to the children that have to endure incest. That also damages the one abused for the rest of their life. When one jokes about it in front of the one abused it brings up all that past pain. Incest jokes are cruel to ones that have been hurt by incest.
alohamom · F
@ChickenInvasion: Um, no I don't find it humorous at all.
ChickenInvasion · 31-35, M
Ok.. incest with children is different then two lonely toothless cousins going at it...
If I don't find something funny , I simply won't laugh
ChickenInvasion · 31-35, M
Cherny... Ur are simply awesome.. I'd rather be ignored when I'm going to far...

People who get up in arms over topics still give me attention and make me feel like my jokes are pushing something. If it doesn't get any attention... That's how I know it's simply not funny.
You can joke how you want but if I stop talking to you you know something went wrong.😜
That is pretty considerate of you but not that much offends me. @ChickenInvasion:
ChickenInvasion · 31-35, M
@Iamnolongerhere: really im trying to polish off 28 mins of material and I kinda want to know what is too extreme.. I removed all my jew/halocost jokes because I think it just plays directly into trying to be offensive... But I want to hear input on what else people think is too far
Most stuff doesn't bother me. I'll message you.@ChickenInvasion:
Benny5678 · 41-45, T
Racism hasn't been funny since the 80s
AdiMe · 46-50, F
🤔maybe you've just heard it all then? @JKerouac:
nedkelly · 61-69, M
Why dont you ask Kathy Griffin
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AdiMe · 46-50, F
Child rape...really anything involving harm to children. It's just not funny to me
ChickenInvasion · 31-35, M
@AdiMe: yeah.... Children just don't get the laughs they deserve... They really are brilliant characters...

I'm joking of course
Rape of any kind. That is just not a joking matter.
ChickenInvasion · 31-35, M
@TearDropsOfLove: rape porn kinda is a mixed result with me atm
@ChickenInvasion: Even that leads men to thinking rape is ok when it is not. Rape destroys the life of the one that was raped for the rest of their life. That damage can NEVER be healed.
ChickenInvasion · 31-35, M
I mean... Honestly .... I understand rape is terrible and nv ok, but rape porn... Idk there is something deaply ironic about it... And it's not because of the rape itself of the act or what is happening... It's the idea of volunteering to something that u can't volenteer for?


If rape is nonsensual... If rape is inheritently against the wishes of the person... Then how can girls watch it and want it?
. Idk..

There is some twisted humor there ..

I get.what u r saying... There is a rape culture we shouldn't support.. and that needs to change
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LostSandman · 36-40, M
From a comedians stand-point, they should NOT have any limitations. From a personal stand-point; jokes don't need limits, but they need to be regulated depending on company.

I'm not going to go hang out with a pre-dominantly black crowd, make a Roots joke and call one of them Toby... Pretty sure I'd get my ass beat.
TacoCat · 26-30, M
None my nigga

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