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Why is everything immoral "supported" by liberals?? Don't libtards have any moral values??

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Fernie · F
You're welcome!

Proposed by Roosevelt and erected by Eisenhower (a Republican), the
Interstate system was a big government project. As much as anything else in the post WWII era, the Interstate is responsible for tremendous economic growth, prosperity, and has spawned an entire culture.
GI BILL-era: 1950's
This act of Congress enabled millions upon millions of Americans to get
college educations, something that most Americans had never had the
opportunity to do previously. An entire generation of leaders, scientists,
and business people owe their education to the GI Bill.
LABOR LAWS-era: 1930's-present
An end to child labor, 40 hour work weeks, the right of employees to
collectively bargain, overtime pay, workplace safety, all of the things we
take for granted today are thanks to liberal laws passed in the first half
of this century. It was the conservatives who fought tooth and nail against the end of sweatshops and exploitation.
MARSHALL PLAN-era: late 1940's-1950's
Foreign aid is a popular scapegoat these days. Those who would cut it should look back at the Marshall Plan, which rebuilt Europe, and is the major reason that Communism never made it past East Berlin.
ENVIRONMENTAL LAWS-era: 1970's-present
The environment has gotten much better in the last 30 years thanks to
liberals. Bald Eagles fly once again thanks to endangered species laws, most rivers and lakes are clean again due to anti-pollution laws, and frequent smog days are a thing of the past in most big American cities.
FOOD SAFETY LAWS-era: 1910's-present
Today cases of food poisoning are rare, and consumers know that whatever they buy is safe to eat.
WORKPLACE SAFETY LAWS-era: 1930's-present
Long hours in unsafe conditions are much rarer today than in the past.
Tragedies such as the Triangle Shirtwaist fire and child labor have been
eliminated by liberal and progressive legislation.
SOCIAL SECURITY-era: 1930's-1970's
This program has provided three generations of Americans retirement
benefits, and nearly eliminated poverty among the elderly. The program is
weakening now, but for 50 years it did its job to a T.
MEDICARE-Passed in 1965 despite the cries of socialism from Reagan and other conservatives, gave economic security and health care to people over age 65.
ECONOMIC GROWTH-era: 1950's-1960's, 90's
Liberalism and economic prosperity go hand-in-hand. Unlike the pseudo-boom
of the 1980's and tinkle down economics, the 50's,60's, 90's were a period of sustained and real growth for all sectors of the economy and all social classes. Taxes were fair, government worked, and America prospered.
SPACE PROGRAM-era: 1950's-present
It was Kennedy who challenged us to make it to the moon, and it is under his and Johnson's administrations that the space program took off, with numerous benefits to American industry and peoples' standard of living, not to mention national pride. If you are reading this on a computer, thank the space program and the liberals who got it going.
PEACE CORPS-era: 1960's-present
Kennedy inspired thousands of Americans to ask what they could do for their country, and the Peace Corps is his most visible and effective
CIVIL RIGHTS-era: 1950's-present
Liberal ideals drove the biggest change in American society since the Civil War, the civil rights movement of the 1950s and 1960s. All Americans who believe in freedom and opportunity cannot help but be inspired by the valiant struggles of MLK and others. Also recall if you will that the major opponents of civil rights were conservatives.
The Depression-era government program bought electricity to thousands of
impoverished families in Appalachia, prevented floods, and created thousands of new jobs.
WOMEN'S RIGHT TO VOTE-era: 1920's-present
Before 1920, half of America's population could not exercise the essential
duty of citizenship.
The reason America is/was so strong economically is because we have a
well-educated citizenry. Public schooling is the true melting pot of
America, where every student, regardless of economic background can be
taught the basics of citizenship. It is no coincidence that in the last 20
years, as conservatives have greatly weakened the public school system, that American students have scored lower on tests and our civic society has started to unravel. (this might be attributed to talk radio, Fox news, and media in general dumbing down our society as well)
NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE-era: 1930's-present
This is one of those things you never think about, but you are glad its
there. Far from just forecasting the weather, the NWS also provides vital
data to pilots and sailors, and the NWS satellites and observation posts
provide the raw data that all other weather forecasting services (private
ones too!) depend on.
"We take it for granted that if a claim is made publicly for a product, it's reasonable to assume it's true. Plus, every time we check the ingredients on a can or package of food, we should mentally call down blessings on the liberals who passed the necessary legislation over the anguished howls of the conservatives, who were convinced such info would be prohibitively expensive, and too big a burden on business."
PUBLIC HEALTH-era: 1910's-present
Government funded water and sewage systems are an important part of
modernity. In addition, organizations such as the National Institute of
Health and the Center for Disease Control play an important part in
maintaining the national health and preventing epidemics through research,
vaccination programs, etc. ....why not now add the PUBLIC OPTION!!!
MORRILL LAND GRANT ACT-era: late 1800's
This act is the reason why nearly every state in the Union has a large
public university. These centers of learning have educated untold millions
of Americans. If you went to a school with a state name in it, then you were helped by liberalism.
RURAL ELECTRIFICATION-era: 1930's-1960's
This allowed remote, rural areas of the country the basic convinience of
electricity. I am sure that those of us using computers on the internet,
sitting in our air conditioned homes, under our electric lights consider
electricity a basic necessity - one that the pure market would never have
found profitable to provide to isolated farming communities.
PUBLIC UNIVERSITIES-era: 1890's-present day
Put a college education within the reach of nearly every American. In
addition to education, many of these institutions have played key roles in
all kinds of scientific research and been a strong influence on our entire
BANK DEPOSIT INSURANCE-era: 1930's-present day
About 1934, as part of extensive New Deal banking legislation, Congress
created the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) to provide federal insurance for bank deposits.Ê This was instrumental in restoring confidence in our nation's banks, and remains so to this day.
EARNED INCOME TAX CREDIT-era: 1970's-present day
Reduces the tax burden for working families who make under $28,500.00 You
have to earn income to get it. It is not a handout. It's a great incentive
for families to stay off welfare. But Republicans had to find a way to pay for their capital-gains tax cut, and EITC was their ticket to success. So, the Republicans voted to cut this program by $29 billion over a certain time frame. Well guess what? They just raised the taxes on lower income working families.
FAMILY AND MEDICAL LEAVE ACT-era: 1993-present day
This is a program which mandates that you have the right to job leave to
take care of sick family members, or to have a child. Many conservatives
were opposed to this valuable piece of legislation. Perhaps they were
opposed to family values?
These guys regulate consumer products for safety. Everything from sharp (and edible) baby toys to flammable pajamas have been taken off the market due to the work of this commission.
PUBLIC BROADCASTING-era: 1930's-present day
Millions of our children have learned from shows like Sesame Street, 3-2-1
Contact, and Mister Rogers (and so many more). Millions of adults continue
to learn from shows like Nova. Also, the best broadcast journalism is by far National Public Radio. PBS and NPR have served to enrich our national
Civil rights for disabled citizens. It is fair, just, and it is the law of
the land. Credit where credit is due, former Senator Bob Dole helped push
this through, a rare nod in favor of liberalism from Mr. Dole.

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kutee · T
liberty, - freedom, freedom to do what ever you want, id rather be liberal then some closed mind conservative wrinign my hands wheni see happy free people
kutee · T
freedom is just that, i also have freedom to do as i wish within the law, and you have the freedom to do what ever you want, within the law,
Fernie · F
@Caligirl: thank you so much for revealing yourself as the 12 year old you are dear
tennisdad · 41-45, M
@ReaperofTime: You should have told off that "caligirl"!! She was going off on you and you just blocked her....have you seen the stuff she has written about you since?
RoboChloe · 26-30, F
This depends entirely on what you consider moral. From a liberal point of view, conservatives may seem immoral.
NigelDoes · 56-60, M
One of the worst trolling attempts I've seen here in a while.:-)
LadyGrace · 70-79
It's not right to call people names.
Ynotisay · M
Not sure. Maybe the pastor or conservative politician who gets caught blowing a dude in a park restroom would know more than I.
JimboSaturn · 56-60, M
Depends how you define moral of course.
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Raleighmom · 41-45, F
@RoboChloe: depends on your definition of a "scientist" and what you are seeking money from the government for....also associated with Universities which are very Libtard..oops I meant liberal. Then they get out of school and into the REAL world where they then become more conservative.
RoboChloe · 26-30, F
@Caligirl: Most people don't "become Republican" and throw away the values they've held their entire lives just because they leave school.

As for who I consider scientists, my percentage comes from this quote from Slate Magazine's article named "Most scientists in this country are Democrats. That's a problem." by Daniel Sarewitz:
A Pew Research Center Poll from July 2009 showed that only around 6 percent of U.S. scientists are Republicans; 55 percent are Democrats, 32 percent are independent, and the rest "don't know" their affiliation.

Pew Research Center is a nonpartisan "fact tank", as they describe themselves. Their website:

Calling liberals "libtards" doesn't help you. By sinking to the level of name-calling, you lose respect for your views. Why would we respect someone who feels the need to call us childish names instead of openly and fairly discussing facts and policy?
Peaceful · F
This doesn't sound very Christian. 😒
Peaceful · F
@Caligirl: interesting. I don't think Jesus approves.
Raleighmom · 41-45, F
@Peaceful: of what?
Peaceful · F
@Caligirl: your part time Christianity?
You probably don't have a good definition of "immoral" or "moral values"
lorne13 · 61-69, M
@Klesingo: is this a joke?
firefall · 61-69, M
Progressives are the only ones with moral standards. Right wingers just demand slavish subservience to their authority figures, and call that morality.
Trevo · 26-30, M
Their moral values are just different
Trevo · 26-30, M
@Fernie: I know. But they're sometimes different from conservative's.
RoboChloe · 26-30, F
@MrGrey: I think what the lovely Fernie is trying to say is that conservatives don't have any morals. I don't think that's necessarily true, I just think that conservative morals are built on different priorities, which may make them seem morally corrupt to liberals. Like how a conservative might say we need more surveillance to protect from terrorism, while a liberal might value privacy and personal freedom over the prevention of terrorism. Opinions! Yay.
Fernie · F
@MrGreythe ones running things right now have none...heartless, soulless, completely detached from the people
sighmeupforthat · 46-50, M
is that all you cons do is live off welfare and stalk liberals?
kutee · T
what does immoral mean?
@buddyhally: She doesn't show a definition of 'immoral' or 'moral values'
bigjohndl · 70-79, M
@Caligirl You seem to have struck a nerve with the Libtards. If you look at Fernie's post, you would think the Libtards created the US. Straight from the Dem playbook of talking points. I don't have time enough to show her that most of those points are wrong. I think their liberal Lyndon Johnson said it right after getting social programs started when he said "We will have the n***** vote for the next 100 years". Many of the programs that Liberals backed were to buy votes from people by enslaving them to the government. That's what they do.
bigjohndl · 70-79, M
@Raleighmom The Libs would rather bitch about low wages and try to get the government to force business to raise minimum wage than to put for the effort to train themselves for better jobs.

The democrats have held the office of mayor since 1949 in St Louis. Funny how she says the Republicans "lowered the minimum wage there". That's why I say that the Libtards do not deal in facts. They make up whatever suits them at the time.
Raleighmom · 41-45, F
@bigjohndl Of course. Besides the ghettos in St. Louis, Chicago, NY and all the others are not money's mentality problems. Bright young black kids who do well in school are told to "stop acting white". Most, but not all black kids have a "pack" mentality. Most arrests are blacks or hispanics for everyday crimes who also live in the ghetto. Most don;t even look for work because it pays better than minimum wage and they get a cell phone and housing and internet service and they get money for getting pregnant and the list goes on and on.............
bigjohndl · 70-79, M
@Raleighmom Yes, but you never hear the Libs talk about those issues. They have been enslaved to government handouts and do not know the meaning of "work for what you get".
ReaperofTime · 46-50, M
Neither does the TEA PARTY. See paul ryan. Evil bastards.

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