Why are so many democrats leaving the blue states and looking for the better life in red states with the same types of people they voted against???
Just found out that my accountant has a pile of coconuts in his office to help him visualize numbers!
How many men find it hot when they see a hot chick driving a big jeep or SUV??? Poll (17) See Poll Options
Would all major religions identify essentially the same state of mind as the highest spiritual level human beings attain? [Spirituality & Religion]
I Hate Political CorrectnessIn the United States, Donald J. Trump has emerged as the New World Order’s most tenacious and determined foe as he fights the good fight for the American people, our constitutional rights and liberties and the sovereignty of our nation. He is an... See More »
Best way to get revenge on someone for lying about youWhat is the best way to get revenge on someone who is lying about you???
People hate Trump b/c he can't be bought and isn't politically correct but is correct about what he says.Trump speaks the truth and it hurts people. He is loved by the silent majority and will most likely win a second term
Is the US really close to war with North Korea or Russia?? Korea would be an easy win..Russia a win also but not as easy.