bustylvr71 · 61-69, F
Of course! As a favor to them, one should let them know of their "wardrobe malfunction". Over the years, since I spend a lot of time in the malls and out in public, I've let many gentlemen know that their zipper was down. Several have remarked, "Would you like to zip me up?" as if they think they are challenging me. But I've risen to the occasion by accepting their challenge with both hands: One grasping the zipper and the other holding their "package" to make sure the material doesn't "ride up" as I pull the zipper up. I never know what their reaction will be but sometimes it's a look of chagrin and other times a look of pleasure and an invite to go to coffee with them. What's a girl gonna do?
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nativespirit · 61-69, M
You're usually the reason it's down
bustylvr71 · 61-69, F
@nativespirit: Oh, my! I might would have to give your zipper a little extra attention and reach inside to make sure it's not caught on any fabric. I'm sure I'd be thrilled exploring the hidden treasures...and with a little bit of groping I could probably tell if you were receiving the same excitement.
nativespirit · 61-69, M
@bustylvr71: guaranteed not to disappoint you
DreamyCrush · F
I tell them. Men don't seem to have any qualms about rearranging themselves in front of you, so you can't help but notice.
annamarie65 · 56-60, F
i always tell them. I would want them to tell me, if the tables were turned.
black4white · 56-60, M
Of course...its about being descent and NOT wanting that person to be embarrassed, i know if my zipper was down i would want to be told. btw...not everything is about being "checked out"
It depends. The situation can evolve in to something amuzing.

You got me there! Lol
limefairy · 51-55, F
Yes but I'm female.

Well then my straight friends must like my package, because they've told me before!
xSharp · 31-35, M
i say haha needle dick.