SW-User Best Comment
My mother tried to sabotage my financial aid for college and canceled my insurance when I needed an MRI. My dad threatened to kick me out to go back to her (which I couldn't) if I didn't do everything he said, and he told me he wouldn't do that since she screwed his over, too.
So yea. Many other times too
So yea. Many other times too
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@itjustbegan: yea, I live there
Transformedandevolved · 26-30, M
Lol we should get out.

@itjustbegan: no, screw the world
[image/video deleted]
It was many a year ago, Beandonia had bean liberated from the nobles cruel rule over the lands. My right hand bean betrayed me and banished me from Beandonia. The beandom is in better hands but i do wish i could return.


yessssss and I don't know of an emotional pain that is worse than that. What about you?
Transformedandevolved · 26-30, M
Yes that is the instinct. To donate is what instinct. Or I am not connected with my instincts lol.
Transformedandevolved · 26-30, M
Yes that is what i was thinking. Better to get conned. It feels foolish though.

@itjustbegan: :/