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Famous and die young? Or normal and whole life?

Which would you choose, if given the option?
Do you think a short life - say dying at 29, but the world knows your name, and you make the front page when you die...
Have a quiet life, dying at 89, but you only are known by a few family and friends?
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LadyGrace · 70-79
I have no interest in being famous, and we weren't meant to die young.
Marceline · F
i dont get it why anyone would wanna be famous... sounds like a bad idea to me
Tvxhed · 41-45, M
It's like being popular in high school. Sure, it doesn't really MEAN anything, but people are eager to be extra nice to you, offer you kindnesses, AND to talk about you, attempt to manipulate your behavior or decisions, etc.
Just like in HS, it's not always a positive, but it's usually what people covet.
Marceline · F
@Tvxhed: hmm.. i am not a "popular girl" in school but i have some good friends and thats the way i like it
Tvxhed · 41-45, M
@Marceline: well you really explained a lot with that comment. Good friends are good - being popular doesn't mean you have good friends, it means people are interested in the "idea" they have about you. They might have terrible ideas and their version of "friendship" might be one best avoided. I do not mean to imply popularity is better - it just is certainly sought out. I think you have a good idea, but it's not one held by the majority, unfortunately.
But super kudos to you - don't try to be popular - it's fake.
SweetMae · 70-79, F
The quiet life. I don't need fame to have a good life.
Lisette · 36-40, F
I'd like something between those extremes
Tvxhed · 41-45, M
That wasn't a choice! Lol, j/k, good idea
I've never had any desire for fame. And a long life would only be preferable (to me) if it was a happy and healthy one. 🙂
Spokeskitties75 · 46-50, M
I want to be abnormal and live to be 200
i don't want the world to know my name gross

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