nedkelly · 61-69, M
Who wins from going to war, Giant Military Corporations that make military supplies and RIP OFF the taxpayer
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nedkelly · 61-69, M
@mrgreeen: 2ND reply
mrgreeen · M
nedkelly · M
@mrgreeen: As soon as the president gets off his arse and starts fighting with the troops then I will support war until then NO POLITICIAN is ever correct
0@nedkelly: NOPE, just give it up lol
@mrgreeen: As soon as the president gets off his arse and starts fighting with the troops then I will support war until then NO POLITICIAN is ever correct
0@nedkelly: NOPE, just give it up lol
nedkelly · 61-69, M
@mrgreeen: Well i did put a NO in somewhere - lol
Invisible · 26-30, M
War is just a means for governments to rack up debt with banks, who then proceed to enslave the country monetarily. Literally what happened after WWI for most countries involved

Politicians thinking it's right is virtually reason enough to oppose it on its own.
hunkalove · 61-69, M
Nope. We shoulda learned our lesson with the Vietnam War. War is about money. Always. Politicians are controlled by the wealthy.
hunkalove · 61-69, M
@mrgreeen: Usually. But look at Hitler.
mrgreeen · M
Look at Trump@hunkalove:
hunkalove · 61-69, M
@mrgreeen: Yep.
Paschar · 70-79, M
[image/video deleted]
Paschar · 70-79, M
@mrgreeen: I have lost friends and family in wars in different eras but none of them were there through choice , Mine was the role of an army colonel in command of deciding who goes back out into battle , I told my troops fight to live so you can go home and always trust your gut feelings , I found it a hard duty to perform in knowing that they may die for such foolishness as war .
mrgreeen · M
While you were doing what you thought was right and finding it hard to sleep at night the guy who decided to start the war slept like a baby@Paschar:
Paschar · 70-79, M
@mrgreeen: Yup , That was Nixon for sure , Old tricky Dick
SimplyTracie · 26-30, F
I would if I was in the Military. But I'm not.
SimplyTracie · 26-30, F
@mrgreeen: Where are you from Sir?
mrgreeen · M
If that was of any importance i'd tell you@SimplyTracie:
SimplyTracie · 26-30, F
I respect that.

No I only go to war for one reason. To fight for freedom.
mic11225 · 26-30, M
Assuming i have a choice? And if for some insane reason i could handle it? Yeah I suppose so if the reasoning for why was good enough
mrgreeen · M
you'll grow out of it don't worry