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What do you think about fast food?

Fast food is seemingly everywhere. One can find a McDonald’s, a Chick-fil-A, a Taco Bell, a Wendy’s, a Dunkin’ or a Domino’s, just to name a few of the most popular chains, in towns and cities across the United States and around the world.
What do you think about fast food? Is it something that improves our lives and makes the world a better place? Or is it a bad thing for our health and a negative influence in our communities?
Brian Gallagher begins the article “Fast Food Forever: How McHaters Lost the Culture War” by discussing how the fast food industry faced a strong backlash two decades ago, when the film “Super Size Me,” directed by and starring Morgan Spurlock, became a smash hit. He writes:
Following Mr. Spurlock as he ate nothing but McDonald’s for 30 days — and the ill effects that diet had on his health — the film became the high water mark in a tide of sentiment against fast food. McDonald’s, specifically, became a symbol for the glossy hegemony of American capitalism both at home and abroad.
“McJobs” became a term for low-paying, dead-end positions, “McMansions” for garish, oversize houses. In 1992, the political theorist Benjamin Barber used the term “McWorld” as shorthand for emergent neoliberal dominance; seven years later, protesters against the World Trade Organization seemed to agree, launching a newspaper box through a McDonald’s window during the “Battle of Seattle” marches.
Two years after that, Eric Schlosser’s “Fast Food Nation” was published. A broad indictment of the entire fast-food industry, the best seller accused the industry of being bad for the environment, rife with labor issues, culturally flattening and culinarily fattening.
The article explains that fast food is still thriving 20 years later:
But two decades later, not only is McDonald’s bigger than ever, with nearly 42,000 global locations, but fast food in general has boomed. There are now some 40 chains with more than 500 locations in the United States. Fast food is the second-largest private employment sector in the country, after hospitals, and 36 percent of Americans — about 84 million people — eat fast food on any given day. The three major appeals of fast food remain intact: It’s cheap, it’s convenient and people like the way it tastes.
Mr. Gallagher also discusses the pivotal role that children play for the fast food industry:
Historically, fast-food companies have been very astute about marketing to children, realizing decades ago that creating customers early means creating customers for life. At the peak of his fame in the 1980s, Ronald McDonald was in some countries more recognizable to children than Mickey Mouse. In 2000, 90 percent of children ages 6 to 9 visited a McDonald’s in a given month.
But as Frances Fleming-Milici, the director of marketing initiatives at the UConn Rudd Center for Food Policy and Health, put it, “If it’s marketed to children, it’s probably bad for you.”
That became increasingly clear in the mid-2000s. Childhood obesity rates had nearly tripled in 25 years, and the public outcry was growing more urgent. A consortium of large food brands, including McDonald’s, Burger King, PepsiCo and Coca-Cola, tried to get out in front of the problem. They formed the Children’s Food and Beverage Advertising Initiative, and the participating corporations self-imposed limits on advertising to children under 13 (later 12).
In place of that marketing to children, though, the big fast-food chains have found something arguably more potent, with McDonald’s, as ever, leading the way.
“They’re hyperfocusing on what they call fan-favorite moments, trying to essentially identify how we emotionally connect to McDonald’s,” said Kaitlin Ceckowski, who researches fast-food marketing strategies at Mintel, a market research agency. “What ‘human truths’ exist around their brand?”
My students, read the entire article and then tell me:
Do you like to eat fast food? Why, or why not?
Which fast food chains are your favorites — or your least favorites ones? Why?
When was the last time you ate fast food? In a typical month, how often do you eat it?
Do you think fast food chains make your town or city a better place to live? Why, or why not?
The article discusses paid partnerships between Travis Scott and McDonald’s, Megan Thee Stallion and Popeyes, Ice Spice and Dunkin’, and Lil Nas X and Taco Bell. Do these celebrity ad campaigns make you want to eat fast food more? In general, do you think that fast food advertising is effective — especially with children and teenagers? Why, or why not?
Are you concerned about health issues associated with eating too much fast food, such as diabetes and obesity? Do you think more should be done — by parents, companies or the government — to help limit how much fast food children eat? Why, or why not?

Here's my two cents: My relationship with fast food is quite close to say the least. I say this because (just like most kids today) I have been eating fast food like Chipotle, Mcdonalds, and Chick-Fil-A for a long time (since I was a kid) and you can say I am a fast food professional. I enjoy eating fast food, which tastes very appealing, but when I eat oily foods from McDonald's or a greasy burger, I want to eat healthier. But at the same time, fast food is very convenient, especially for busy people like me. These restaurants have lost their appeal to me since I decided to ditch meat. When I stopped eating meat, fast food was no longer a viable option for me. While french fries and other options were still widely available among chains, these foods did not leave me feeling satisfied, as they weren’t truly meals. It was only when I started cooking for myself that I noticed the plethora of issues prevalent throughout the industry. As a pescatarian, balancing my plate—ensuring I receive complete amino acids, adequate iron, etc.—highlighted just how unbalanced fast food is. Your standard options at a chain are usually heavy with few nutrients, and the protein and carbs are heavily processed. It’s no wonder we so frequently leave these restaurants feeling sick or sluggish, even when food tastes good. And while you’d figure options such as salads might be preferable due to their heightened nutrient density, their sheer lack of calories, combined with the contents of dressings, doesn’t provide many additional benefits. Ordering a salad from a chain may leave you feeling lighter, but you’re unlikely to feel full, either. So why continue to consume fast food, knowing the harms? It comes back to the initial issue I highlighted: costs and time. Put simply, fast food provides a simple solution for the working class. It may not be what’s best for our bodies, but food is fuel nonetheless. When it comes to keeping people fed, sometimes quantity is a necessary priority over quality. The last time I ate fast food was two weeks ago. I was out with my friends, and we didn't have a lot of money and were hungry, so we decided to buy some Taco Bell. I don't really like eating fast food like that. I could say I eat it once every two weeks, I don't know. But one thing I would express is that we could choose better options for food, be healthier, and take care of our bodies.
Are you concerned about health issues associated with eating too much fast food, such as diabetes and obesity? Do you think more should be done — by parents, companies, or the government — to help limit how much fast food children eat? Why, or why not?
When it comes to fast food, most of us will readily agree that it should be a last resort. Where this agreement usually ends, however, is the question of is getting fast food justifiable due to its convenience. Whereas some are convinced that fast food is justifiable to eat once in a while, others maintain that fast food is and always will be their last resort. Fast food nowadays is what most people eat, where more and more Big Macks are sold, where more and more people are adding a side of fries and a drink to their sandwich. Every day people across the world are eating more and more fast food, and while the companies making the food are getting richer, the consumer is slowly dying. I think that fast food should be a thing, but it should be regulated as at the rate that we're experiencing today, the whole world will become obese. Fast food is convenient as you don't have to cook or clean, but is it worth slowly killing yourself? When it comes to fast food, many Americans feel conflicted. I tend to believe that while fast food can be convenient and tasty, it's often not the healthiest option. This is because fast food is typically high in calories, saturated fats, and sodium, which can contribute to various health issues like obesity, heart disease, and diabetes. Additionally, the fast food industry has been criticized for its environmental impact and labor practices. Proponents of fast food are right to argue that it offers quick and affordable meals for busy individuals and families. But they are exaggerating when they say that fast food is a necessary part of modern life or that it's always the most convenient option. All in all, I still believe that enjoying fast food in moderation and making healthier choices whenever possible is best for overall health and well-being. My "relationship" with fast food as how it is put in the article, is something I'm passionate about. I have quite the appetite for it, not an alarming given that I only eat from Chick-fil-a about once every 2 months or so. I only eat fast food only for the overall simple appeal and enjoyment it brings to me since it's supposed to be a quickly served and rather small meal to enjoy (well for me). I don't have anything against it since I eat it in moderation but it only becomes a problem if fast food is your source of "nutrition" and order larger than the average sized meals one orders from a menu. But other than that, fast food restaurants are great for our society, just don't order so much from it that you start growing horizontally instead of vertically.
I think that fast food can be good and bad for our world. For example< my brothers use it for bulking. For those who don't know what bulking is, it is when you gain a lot of calories and when you gain enough calories you start losing fat so you can make your chest bigger. Some people eat fast food just for fun and gain fat and have a chance to get bad health. That's why it can be good and bad for the world and you.
When I was younger, I wasn't allowed to eat any fast food except for Burger King and Subway, whihc was usually a treat in my house. Now however, the rules are less strict and I enjoy the occasional burger from Wendy's and a nice bowl from Chipotle, which I love. Though fast-food is unhealthy, I think it's okay to indulge in some of that in moderation. I believe that fast food can be okay to eat as long as you are aware of the ingredients and don't overindulge in it. The rise in childhood obesity rates was largely due to frequent visits to fast food restaurants. I think the solution to this issue is for parents to only allow their children to have fast food as a special treat on occasion. For example, if children eat their vegetables without complaints for a week. They can be rewarded with a small burger or as a treat at the end of the month. Personally, I love to eat fast food. Although there are health risks, the food is great quality and can be affordable. I don’t get it often and most of the time my family and I buy fast food after a rough day. In a typical month, I eat fast food less than 5 times. The last time I ate this month was a week ago. I think fast food chains make our city a better place because they are cheap, reliable, and delicious. I have a pretty simple relationship with fast food, I love it, but alas, I don't get to eat it much. My mom is pretty strict about us getting fast food, with an exception for birthdays and special occasions. The closest I have to it normally is pizza, which we get around once a month. Even if my stomach is bitter about it, the rational part of my mind is thankful to my mother. Fast food is full of calories, sodium, fat, and sugar. That’s not to say that all calories are bad, but the calories in most fast food are empty calories- calories without proteins or nutrients. The problem is, many families can’t afford simply not eating fast food. Chains such as Wendys or McDonalds are much cheaper than the average restaurant. A family of 4 eating at McDonalds may rack up a bill of 40 or so dollars, but at a nicer restaurant the bill might be almost 100 dollars. It seems like a simple alternative to just cook meals, but often families don’t have the time or money for ingredients. It may not be easy, but I believe that fast food companies should invest in healthier ingredients, and I think this should be possible without raising the prices too much as most fast food chains are very successful and have enough money to do so.
I usually eat fast food but I don’t eat it every day. Me and my family would go to Popeyes, Mcdonald’s, Dunkin Donuts, Chick-fil-A, etc. We usually go to Dunkin Donuts for coffee and we would sometimes get fast food when we feel like it or when one of my siblings is craving some fast food. Every month we would get fast food at least 2 times. I find it unhealthy if you eat fast food every day because of the amount of grease that’s being fried and the amount of calories we're gaining just by eating it.
I am a very picky eater so I either like the food or don’t like the food. I mostly get Chic-fila, and I love it!!!!! I get the chicken nuggets or the grilled chicken sandwich. Chick-fil-A is known for its delicious chicken sandwiches, nuggets, and waffle fries. The food is always fresh, and the service is friendly and efficient. Additionally, Chick-fil-A is known for its strong community involvement and charitable efforts, making it a great place to eat and a company that gives back to the community. While I absolutely love fast food and eat it once in a while for lunch/dinner, what is concerning to me is how sometimes in the U.S. unhealthy fast food is cheaper than raw ingredients from supermarkets. This means that people who can’t afford too many raw ingredients are forced to buy fast food to survive, which can lead to sickness and unnecessary weight gain. This is almost like a never-ending cycle because those people would stay unhealthy until they have access to fresh food. What the government can do to fix this is supporting local farms that grow fresh food to lower the price at supermarkets so people can be healthier as a whole.
I like to eat fast food even though it's horrible and very unhealthy for you. My mom and step dad almost never get fat food unless we don't have any food at home or they are too tired to cook. Fast food for me is really a treat and I don't get it very often at least with my mom. However when I am at my dads house we get fast food a lot more often just because it's easier for everyone when we are there. In the end fast food is not really relevant in my life and most of the time when I am really hungry I will just find something to cook. Since fifth grade, I´ve had gut issues that I wasn't aware of. I thought that it was a special problem that only I experienced. Suffering the stomach aches almost daily was frustrating and painful. It wasn´t until the past year when I tried to explain to my mom the symptoms that I found out it runs in my family. After that, I started prioritizing my health. Before, I lived, laughed, LOVED fast food. I got it at least twice a week and my mom gave in every time because of how frustrated she was at figuring out what to cook for me as a picky eater. Now currently I try to avoid fast food, eating it at most two times a month. I have come to understand my body more and realized what does and doesn't cause my stomach to hurt and bloat.
Fast food and I have a love-and-hate relationship. I love fast food and enjoy it, however, because I’m an athlete, I must be conscious of what I put in my body. Even though I’m aware that I can treat myself and have cheat days, I don’t eat fast food as often as I used to because I need to balance my diet out. When I do indulge in fast food, I order food I enjoy and try to make sure I don’t eat it too fast. I also may purchase at least one food or drink within my meal that’s healthy such as side salads, water, etc. I keep my fast food choice small, as I only mainly eat Chick-fil-A, Chipotle, and sometimes Raising Canes and Five Guys.
Throughout my life, I’ve never really been concerned about the health effects of fast food. Just down the street from my house, there is a plethora of fast-food chains. There’s a Wendy’s, Burger King, KFC, Dunkin, and Popeyes. I love buying fast food, but my Mom is vegetarian. Because of this, my Sister, Dad, and I don’t get fast food often because it causes my Mom to make something for herself most of the time. This doesn’t mean we don’t order in much. We order Han Dynasty, a Chinese restaurant, all the time, along with Tiffin, an Indian restaurant. When we do get fast food, we get Shake Shack and Popeyes. My Mom isn’t against fast food, she just doesn’t love that she is paying and waiting for food that she can’t even eat.
I love eating fast food (sorry, mom). I love some good chicken nuggets and large fries from McDonald’s a couple times a month as a little treat. Yes, it has little nutritional value and is unhealthy, but everything in moderation is fine. If you eat some fries and nuggets a couple times a month, you’ll be okay. It’s only a problem if it starts to affect your health, since fast food isn’t healthy you obviously shouldn’t have it very often. But overall, if you have some fast food once in a while as a treat, I don’t really see the problem. It’s cheap and tastes good, so I get the appeal, and it’s only bad for you in large quantities, like anything.
Although gast food is pretty good, it's very unhealthly to keep eating it. That's why my family and I usually eat it when my mother doesn't feel like cooking at all or we need some food on the go. Usually when I eat something salty for a long time on one setting, I usually feel sick. Lots of sodium can led to high blood pressure, which I'm sure no one wants.
I believe fast food is a slippery slope to get on. It is always convenient due to the amount of stores and the quickness of it. For me it has been a place I go to for late night snacks and a quick meal. It also is a good place to socialize as usually all of the friend group can get something they like at the spots. I believe as long as you are aware of the health factors and moderate your use it can be something can bring joy.
I love to indulge from time to time in the sweet and salty explosion of flavors that fast food provides, but fast food is bad for you for a few reasons. It is usually high in unhealthy fats, sugars, and sodium which can lead to health problems such as high blood pressure, obesity, and heart disease. Additionally, fast food often lacks essential nutrients like vitamins and fiber, which are important for overall health. Although the convenience of fast food is tempting, there are much better alternatives out there that can give off the same flavors and delicious taste. Fast food is not healthy at all but it does taste good and won't harm you very much if you have it once in a while. As many people know fast food contains high calories and lots of salt and sugar. This can cause people to get diabetes or other health concerns. On the other hand fast food is affordable, fast, and good tasting meaning it taunts many people to eat it often. Overall, I think fast food is okay as long as you don't make it a regular thing. I like fast food because it's convenient and it's quick when you're on a tight schedule. I typically try not to eat too much of it because I know that it's definitely not as healthy as a home cooked meal.
Lilymoon · F
Spurlock is dead. That was an eye opener.
Fatalice · 41-45, F
Best part of my day love fast food

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