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Ceinwyn · 26-30, F
Wait, she never denied the Holocaust. She made a claim about what books the Nazis did or didn’t burn.

The two things aren’t the same.
Ceinwyn · 26-30, F
@BohemianBoo Where did she say that?
@Ceinwyn https://www.salon.com/2024/03/15/jk-rowling-trans-nazis-holocaust-denial/

To be fair, she does kinda flip flop. First she denies that the Nazis burnt books about research into trans people. Then when called out on that, she changes the argument to be about how trans people weren't the first victims of the Nazis. Not that this was the original claim, or that it even matters. I don't know, maybe she was drunk when this happened.

Eventually, she shares a link that says "The LGBTQ+ lobby likes to claim trans people were a key target of the Nazis. They weren't. In fact, trans healthcare was pioneered by a champion of eugenics, and a surgeon who designed experiments at Dachau. His victims there were not trans."

This is a common talking-point of the "the Left are the real Nazis" Right. "Transgenderism" was actually created by the Nazis. They say the same thing about homosexuality, veganism, and abortion. It's Holocaust denial in that it denies that queer people were victims of Nazism, and to make things even worse, it links queer people to Nazism.
Ceinwyn · 26-30, F
@BohemianBoo Thank you for going through it with me. I know the Nazis did those things from school, but from what I’d seen online up to that time I couldn’t see JKR actually committing to saying that. She’s made a right mess of things there. I think if you’re going to comment on things as important as the Holocaust she’s got to know the facts before she opens her mouth.

BlueVeins · 22-25
Transphobia really rots the brain.
No. Bigotry seems to be a bundled package deal.
wackidywack · 22-25
I was once surprised with the transphobia years back, now this isn't surprising news at all. she single-handedly ruined my favourite book series for me
mixie · 61-69
@helsbels That seems an odd opinion when 'gender identity' isn't restricted to gender variant people but in fact EVERYONE has gender identity, even cis people, even YOU. Your gender identity is mostly socially constructed, just like everyone else's, so yes, there's no sense to it. That's the whole point. Not sure why you're recycling the old trope about 'feelings' as trans people don't choose their gender identity any more than you do. They just work out where they best fit into the spectrum created by society (of which you, presumably are a part). By the way, you most certainly CAN change aspects of sex, not just gender - sex isn't defined by only one parameter.
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there are loads of examples of grassroots, local, junior level, school level, amateur etc etc clubs and leagues that are allowing men/boys to self id in to opposite sex sport tonthe detriment of women.

If you care about that, you're psychotic.

Actual sports orgs require HRT treatment for trans athletes. Even Ben Shapiro accidentally admitted this.

Aside from sport though, what do you make of this? It's a job advert for a support centre for victims of sexual abuse and violence. It's a role that because of its nature is allowed to be posted as 'for women only'. They state here that it allows self-identifying women. Without being graphic, there are reasons why a man would not be suitable for the role. Do you not see the problem that it would cause for a man who identifies as a woman to be in that front facing welcome role, where women who have suffered abuse at the hands of men might not want to be confronted by one?

TBH, I think the idea of a women-only support group is pretty stupid. So allowing trans women, not allowing, I think the entire concept is nonsensical and would remain so even if it was for cis women only. Might as well say women only and you have to be left-handed.

But alright, let's say a cis woman wants a therapist who is a cis woman. Sure, I think they should make that accommodation. I also think if someone requests a white cis woman, they should be accommodated. Abuse victims are allowed to be irrational when it comes to therapy. But outright banning men from this space, I think is idiotic.

Genuinely, is there no case or example that could be bought up that might cause you to think 'they might have a point here'?

I've yet to see a case where biological sex is ignored in favor of gender that didn't made sense. Especially considering our society still separates the genders in so many cases where it makes no sense.

Every time there's another incident of a pervert hiding behind a trans identity to abuse women, and we say 'see'! We're told 'well he wasn't REALLY trans, just a man pretending

Except this doesn't actually happen all that often. And there really aren't any laws we could make to stop this. There hasn't been an increase in men raping women in public bathrooms, but even if there was, what law do you want to make? Do you want strip-searches to be done before entering a public bathroom? Oh, but some trans people get bottom surgery. So what, blood tests? Chromosome tests?

I've never seen one trans activist accept this, again it gets called bigotry.

Because it's never asked in good faith. It's like when someone says "all lives matter." Technically, yes, but that's not what they really mean. It's a bad faith deflection.
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Thankfully, I dont care about anything she has to say about anything.
CBarson · 51-55
@nonsensiclesnail what she has written about magicians and witches is also quite unreliable
HannahSky · F
Classless lady
I have just read an article on this matter.

It reads: "numerous people refuted her (J.K. Rowling) claims with information about the Jewish German doctor Magnus Hirschfeld, who was considered one of the first known advocates for transgender rights."

Why is this not surprising...
I admit I’m very disappointed. Some well-meaning people are still learning about transgenderism, but the Holocaust is a matter of historical fact.
Not at all.
helsbels · 26-30, F
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GlitterEater · 36-40, F
@helsbels Jews weren't the only victims of the holocaust. Go watch some more Nick Fuentes videos and leave normal people alone.
helsbels · 26-30, F
@GlitterEater I don't know who that is. And I don't appreciate the inference that I'm not a normal person.

For what it's worth, my opinion is... you can't change sex. And 'gender identity' makes about as much sense to use to catorgorise people as their star sign would.

I get 'be nice' and 'live and let live', and that's all well and good but there is a point where reality has to take precedence over feelings 🤷‍♀️

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