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Do you believe that Christmas is a scam ? 馃巵 馃巵 馃巵

Like Thanksgiving it's all about money. 馃挵 And it's a plot to give to the rich and not the poor. And we are forced as always, to give to greedy corporations and monopoly stores and retailers. Forget about spending time with the people who are homeless and in mental despair. Forget about creating more jobs and economic security for all communities. Spend that hard earn money dammit. Your money. 馃槀

FairydustF Best Comment
Santa = Satan

They want you forever in debt to the system.
Zonuss41-45, M
@Fairydust I agree. 鈽猴笍馃挵
@Zonuss The system is made up of people. Unfortunately, you're a bird and I'm a frog. So we're not part of the system. 馃ぃ

Jill199031-35, F
There is no plot to do anything. Our system is capitalism. If a company can figure a way to sell more product, they will exploit that. Everything doesn鈥檛 have to have a plot. I don鈥檛 go out to the stores - I stay home with the family (and order from Amazon).
Zonuss41-45, M
@Jill1990 I like Amazon too
I've already bought some stuff from there last week. But because I like being in the Christmas spirit, I like to participate in the season as it makes it seem more fun and alive.
Happy Holidays. 馃巹
No not a scam, but very much commercialized and the stores made it about money
Zonuss41-45, M
@rocknroll Very true!
@Zonuss yes it is
ServantOfTheGoddess61-69, M
Fortunately being Jewish I am less affected by all the commercialization of Christmas (yes we do give Chanukah presents but that is on a smaller scale and mostly from craft shows and thrift stores).
There is something to be said for the "Christmas spirit" though, beyond all the commercial stuff.
Zonuss41-45, M
They say it's the most wonderful time of the year, but for many people it's the most stressful.
@Zonuss Come on, lighten up. Get in the festive mood. 馃ぉ
Zonuss41-45, M
@FrogManSometimesLooksBothWays I feel fine sir.
I'm talking about those who get depressed this time of year. 馃檪
@Zonuss Oh, the hell with them. They're no fun at all. 馃ぃ
Stephanidunord18-21, F
I believe you make
It what you want it to be
Diotrephes70-79, M
@Zonuss The Christmas holiday where gifts are given is based on a clause in the 4th Commandment that states = "And none shall appear before Me empty-handed."

Exodus 34:19-20 (NKJV) = 19 鈥淎ll [a]that open the womb are Mine, and every male firstborn among your livestock, whether ox or sheep. 20 But the firstborn of a donkey you shall redeem with a lamb. And if you will not redeem him, then you shall break his neck. All the firstborn of your sons you shall redeem.

鈥淎nd none shall appear before Me empty-handed."

It is meant to minic the scene where the wise men brought gifts to baby Jesus to signify that they regarded him as God. Today we give gifts to those that we love, without elevating them to a deity.

From the river to the sea.
Tastyfrzz61-69, M
To the best of my knowledge the main character (Jesus) was not born on December 25th. That is just a repurposed holiday (Saturnalia) that should actually be on the 21st to commemorate the winter solstice.
@Zonuss i am far from a religious zealot but i think christmas has got far from the real reason we should celebrate to an commercial bonanza in my eyes wrong
Zonuss41-45, M
@smiler2012 The commercialism has made our society go mad. 馃槀馃巵馃巵馃巵
Entwistle56-60, M
I enjoy the food,the carols,the lights and the Christmas atmosphere but I'm not a Christian. Yes,it's a money making scam.
If there is a way to link the profit motive to any holiday, that holiday will likely be exploited.
whowasthatmaskedman70-79, M
Since Christianity (like all religions) is a scam, then it follows that Christianity is also a scam. But the old seasonal Festivals celebrating midwinter and harvest do have a community support basis that has merit. I just dont see how Mattel. Hasbro or Nestles are involved..馃樂
Zonuss41-45, M
@whowasthatmaskedman How about Tonka. 馃槀
Torsten36-40, M
a scam? no..
I see Christmas as nothing more but a stolen Pagan holiday (Yule), changed in a ridiculous manner for Christians.
Celebrate the birth of Jesus when its not even the date he was allegedly born.

But for most people now its celebrating family and feasting, as it should be..
Alyosha31-35, M
Forced? Lol.
helenS36-40, F
I'm not so sure it's just a scam. If I ever got any gift that money can buy I'd give it away to charity the next day. I want home-made gifts, or no gifts at all.
==> Christmas is the fest of the people, not the toy industry.
DeWayfarer61-69, M
Religion has always been the means of control.

This is attested by the very fact that many religious holidays were stolen by other religions.

Not just Christmas either.
Spumoni46-50, M
I spent about $60 on food items I needed to make dinner, and had family over all day.

Zero dollars on black Friday
Zonuss41-45, M
@Spumoni Good.
Celebrating a pagan holiday with pagan iconography screams Christmas so it makes sense to worship the golden calf
Christmas is supposed to be about Jesus..... not nimrod worshipping an evergreen tree putting presents under it 馃馃馃
Zonuss41-45, M
@InHeaven You forgot about the plot to take money out of our pockets and give to the rich.
Handfull161-69, F
There are quite a few meal programs that celebrate Thanksgiving with the homeless here. I鈥檓 sure it varies between different areas.
Quimliqer70-79, M
So much negativity!! Look at the joy in a child鈥檚 face as they open their gifts!!
Zonuss41-45, M
@Quimliqer I did that too when I was a kid. 鈽猴笍 馃巵
Poppies61-69, F
I don't think people need to have their arms twisted too hard to get them to spend money.
Others have given better answers
Zonuss41-45, M
@mysteryespresso What. 馃
@Zonuss need not to give answer here. I believe others have given good answers. I like these answers @smiler2012 @rocknroll
give to greedy corporations and monopoly stores and retailers.
Those greedy corporations employ people. The stores and retailers employ people. The stores and retailers sell products that keep people at the corporations employed. What's wrong with that?
Zonuss41-45, M
@FrogManSometimesLooksBothWays That's not the point frog. 馃惛
@Zonuss We see things differently then.
I think it depends upon how you view Christmas.

I do think commercially Christmas is bastardized to oblivion.

But I also think it still has meaning . People seem generally a little nicer to each other in the Christmas season....and I wonder why they can't be like this all year round 馃
Workerbee31-35, M
with how outrageous prices are these days hmm maybe
Zonuss41-45, M
@Workerbee 馃槀
Workerbee31-35, M
@FrogManSometimesLooksBothWays my one credit card is maxed out XD
Workerbee31-35, M
@Zonuss 馃槄

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