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What was the most delicate and your most excruciating phase of your life where life was just bringing you down and was on the brink of despair?

What was the darkest point in your life and how did you deal with it? What's the most mysterious thing that has ever happened in your life that you can't find any explanation for? Have you ever at one point in your life felt like an "empty shell", going through the motions of daily life just to get through each day? If so, what helped you get through this phase? What struggles do you have in your life right now that nobody understands? What is the cringiest phase you've gone through in your life?
Which book did you reread at a later stage in your life and your perspective completely changed?
I recently had a friend recommend I reread a certain book as an adult/parent to see if my perspective changed concerning the plot and characters. I might take her up on the offer, because I have reread my favorites over my lifetime and pending my current perspective, I gained something different from it each time.
Which books changed for you when you picked them up again? What was your "darkest point" in life and how did you turn around?
So what was the worst point in your life to this point and if you were able to, how did you turn it around?
I'm someone who used to have depression, social anxiety and was a complete loner. I was able to turn it all around after a breakup with a really long lasting relationship and make a very large group of friends who really care for me for the first time in my life.
I just had to move back for the summer to home, leaving all my friends for the next few months and I see myself falling back. So far within the summer had the death of someone very close to me, had a job that refuses to pay me which is making bill collectors go after me and almost constant social isolation on a daily basis. I have no close friends back home except my ex, which is the only person I'm still open with. Feeling I just got to the top of the hill and now starting to roll down it.
How did you come out of the most darkest phase of your life? What was the most trying and tiring period of your life when life tested your limits to the core and really strained your nerves and how did you handle it when life got you down? How did you get out of a dark phase in your life and what motivated you to do it? What was the darkest period of your life? And how did you rise above it and made it back alive?

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