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Could someone be Bipolar and not even be aware of it?

I remember when my dad was near retiring from NIMH they were putting together a study regarding misdiagnosis of ADHD in children. Some children didn’t respond well to medication for the disorder and they hypothesized it might be a wrong diagnosis so the treatments weren’t very effective. It wouldn’t surprise me if some of the kids might be bipolar.
ADHD is a popular diagnosis. I’ve seen stats where some parts of the country diagnoses it much much more than others. Are there actually more kids there with ADHD? Or, the schools and doctors are more inclined to give that diagnosis.
A wrong diagnosis can last a long time. Meaning, people often accept a diagnosis and not question it. Getting a second opinion can help, but not always, not if the second doctor is aware of the first doctors diagnosis. Don’t let a second doctor know the previous diagnosis.
Now, it seems to me diagnosing depression in children is becoming more commonplace. There seems to be a tide change. They say depression rates are up in children. It wouldn’t surprise me if that’s true, but it also wouldn’t surprise me if the doctors were missing it in the past when it was there. Both depression and bipolar.
Absolutely. This is a diagnosis that requires a Dr. It’s like saying “can I have Cancer and not know?
There are many undiagnosed people with various afflictions covered in the DSM. I applaud people who take the step to go to the Dr. and get diagnosed. This allows them to understand, support and get the medical treatment they need. While it is important for the person to get a diagnosis and treatment plan, it is also helpful for their family for the same reasons.
There is a stigma with many of the disorders in the DSM. This sometimes creates an unwillingness for people to get diagnosed. Additionally this creates a desire for people that are diagnosed to not follow their Dr. prescribed treatment (including therapy) so they can tell themselves that they don’t need it and thinking they don’t have it. Once diagnosed properly, it is not something you can say that you no longer have. It doesn’t work that way.
In the US credible studies have found that bipolar disorder is frequently confused with other medical conditions, and may not be diagnosed at all. According to the data, over 50% of those suffering from BP recieve no treatment.
Queendragonfly · 31-35, F Best Comment
Absolutely. There's a group of people who repress all their mental struggles, refuse to see that they have a mental disorder and refuse to seek professional help.

Then there's a group who is misdiagnosed. BPD and Bipolar are easily confused. Because both have strong mood swings.

Queendragonfly · 31-35, F
Thank you for best comment flair 💚
Nevaeh0081 · 36-40, F
I hope not.

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