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If you were rich and could do whatever you wanted with your time, what would you do?

How would you spend your time?
Would you still go to work? 9-5?
Or would you pursue your hobbies and interests?

Does anybody here like to work?
If you had the option to not work, would you still go to work?
Or what would you do instead?
Thetinydog · 26-30, F Best Comment
I would travel, invest in other businsses, try to help foster kids

I am undecided on this topic. However, I actually knew of several rich men who would pretend to be homeless.

One of the rich men would go around all day panhandling and annoying people. At the end of the day, he would walk home to his mansion, servants, and his sister whom he shared the property with. A newspaper blew his cover, but he didn't care and simply changed his disguise.

A second rich man who pretended to be homeless considered himself some sort of undercover crusader for homeless rights. He would be completely filthy and sleep in public areas where yuppies would hang out. If anybody harassed him too much, he would simply call his own personal limousine and guards to rescue him. This rich man who pretended to be homeless would deliberately provoke altercations with the police. If any police actually brawled with him, he would later call his high powered attorneys to file a lawsuit in order to get the police fired. Eventually, the police found out and were so terrified, that they would avoid all contact with him!
Abstraction · 61-69, M
My raison d'etre is to make a difference, make the world a better place. So if wealthy I would do what I'm doing now. Both work and interests.
* I lack the imagination to enjoy working to make profits for shareholders somewhere. I don't think many of them are making the world better. So I work for organisations that help the vulnerable. If wealthy would work for the same organisation doing what I do now, for the not-very-much pay.
* If I was wealthy it's possible I would have developed a sense of entitlement, had less empathy and had simple answers for the poor, those who hurt and the battlers. Because I turned away from wealth and felt the sting of struggle, I'm a better person for it.
* If I was wealthy I would have bought the best musical instruments. Because I was broke I learnt to make them. I would be poorer for not having found ways to create what I couldn't afford, found solutions to the challenges, learnt the skills and taken pride in my workmanship.
CrazyMusicLover · 31-35
I would set up an art studio and work on any art project I would think of. If I needed a break, I would travel and try some sports.
I hate work, of course I wouldn't do a 9-5 job and have some a**holes push me around.
kimmy159 · F
I would not quit my job right away because I've been working so hard for it. I'd take more unpaid leave maybe and visit more countries though XD
I'd put a main focus on persuing my hobbies and interests like learning more about psychology and writing, and investments. Over time, I'd probably try to establish my own business (not sure in what though lol).

I guess I would still work but just differently if money was not something to take into account. I'd also be more like: I won't work on days that I don't want to XD
FloorGenAdm · 51-55, M
Get a hot wife and solve murders like on Heart to Heart? 🤔
4meAndyou · F
I have certainly fantasized about being rich...a LOT. I think I would first contribute to my favorite charities more heavily, (and that includes taking care of my son and his family), make sure my own old age is addressed, (ie: safe place to live with private care), and then I would continue having fun. I would buy another house, decorate it, and fill it with fun art!
Max41 · 26-30, M
First give billion dollars , I cannot imagine what life would be with billions when I never have billions .
After you give it , I may answer it surely .
rrraksamam · 31-35, M
PoeticPlay · 51-55, M
If you are rich you never get to do two things.
You never get to be alone.
You never get to be content.
rrraksamam · 31-35, M
@PoeticPlay That's something to think about
Nebula · 41-45, F
Travel for sure
Henal · 26-30, F
I wouldn’t quit my job, but as a side business, I would open my own bookshop with a little coffee shop inside it. Also do some travelling.
Killing the ecosystem, of course. All rich people do.
I would become a travel photographer

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