Joeeeeeeyyyy · 80-89, F
Bad -setup her alarmclock for sunday morning
Sort of reminds me when I thought I forgot to set the alarm one morning.
I woke up and noticed the time and I was like NO I have a few mins to dress and get the train to work
I was half dressed and realised its Saturday. Panic over and fell back in bed
I woke up and noticed the time and I was like NO I have a few mins to dress and get the train to work
I was half dressed and realised its Saturday. Panic over and fell back in bed
FurryFace · 61-69, M
oh well enjoy the coffee and SW , Meow !
wudifu · 46-50, M
I bet you she slept right through it and you had to switch it off
666Maggotz · F
Kick her ass

Whoop that fucken bitch
Charlotte1 · 22-25, F
Why can't I see your profile?

Because sw is stupid and does that shit all the time.