Why do universities charge unreal and unrealistic prices?
Why do bad universities charge the same fees as good universities?
So Oxford and London Metropolitan university both charge the full £9250 to UK students, and I'm wondering why this is the case? Shouldn't the bad universities cost less? Why has college become so expensive over the last 40 years? How and why could the price of attending college rise over 5x the rate of inflation- where does all the money go? What’s changed between now and then in the university business model? Why is the University so expensive and why does the prices rise along the time?
So Oxford and London Metropolitan university both charge the full £9250 to UK students, and I'm wondering why this is the case? Shouldn't the bad universities cost less? Why has college become so expensive over the last 40 years? How and why could the price of attending college rise over 5x the rate of inflation- where does all the money go? What’s changed between now and then in the university business model? Why is the University so expensive and why does the prices rise along the time?