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Are you happy with life right now ? šŸ™‚šŸ˜ŒšŸ˜‘šŸ™

Poll - Total Votes: 28
Very happy
Mostly happy
Somewhat happy
Not that happy
Very unhappy with life
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Greetings ladies and gentlemen. They say happiness is a state of mind. It's all in your head. It's only what you make it out to be. But I wanna know, are you happy right now.
Best answer wins. ā˜ŗļøšŸ
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YourMomsSecretCrush Ā· M Best Comment
I have a good life, and i am happy with it.
Zonuss Ā· 46-50, M

Penny Ā· 46-50, F
i am fairly happy. i think it's a state of mind a lot. i mean, of course things can happen that bring you down but i think a lot is in your mind. like you can go around being grateful for what you do have or you can go around being miserable not and always wishing for something better. i guess a lot would do with circumstances too but probably more so a state of mind yeah.
Zonuss Ā· 46-50, M
@Penny Yeah. It's mental.
Driver2 Ā· M
@Penny good way to look at it
LadyGrace Ā· 70-79
@Penny You are so right, Penny.
SunshineGirl Ā· 36-40, F
It is mostly a state of mind. At the moment I am feeling a bit depressed about the politicians who are tearing the fabric of our society. But spesking personally I don't have much to grumble about and I have a lot to be grateful for šŸ™‚
Zonuss Ā· 46-50, M
@SunshineGirl Hmmm šŸ¤”
Ok. šŸ™‚
LadyGrace Ā· 70-79
Zonuss Ā· 46-50, M
@LadyGrace šŸ¤”
LadyGrace Ā· 70-79
@Zonuss What? Why? Lol
nevergiveup Ā· M
good days and bad but i am still alive and thats what matters
Zonuss Ā· 46-50, M
@nevergiveup Well said.
MyNameIsHurl Ā· 41-45, F
Zonuss Ā· 46-50, M
@MyNameIsHurl šŸ¤—
Jeephikelove Ā· 51-55, F
Mostly yes, just need to accomplish a few more things. ā˜ŗļø
Zonuss Ā· 46-50, M
@Jeephikelove Well said.
Jeephikelove Ā· 51-55, F
@Zonuss thank you. ā˜ŗļø
AthrillatheHunt Ā· 51-55, M
Not to say I wouldnā€™t welcome some improvements but Iā€™m very happy.
Zonuss Ā· 46-50, M
I am mostly, yes. And in gratitude for it.
Zonuss Ā· 46-50, M
@SW-User Awesome.
OldBrit Ā· 61-69, M
Most people are as happy as they make thier minds to be.
Zonuss Ā· 46-50, M
@OldBrit Maybe
TheWildEcho Ā· 61-69, M
Very happy
Carazaa Ā· F
I'm mostly happy. It is hard for me to see people murdered in Ukraine, dying in hurricanes, fires, and famines and be content because I have it good. God takes good care of me and all my needs have been taken care of, I am not sick, I have a job I love, and paid off almost all my bills, and I am looking forward to buying a new house. But I still feel so bad for people and animals who are suffering.
LadyGrace Ā· 70-79
@Carazaa I'm glad to hear that sister and I'm with you on all the tragedy people face and animals.
Carazaa Ā· F
@LadyGrace Thank you! šŸ°ā˜•
ravenwind43 Ā· 51-55, F
Neither happy or unhappy. Happiness is an emotion like anything else and can't be forced.
PeachyK Ā· 100+, F
I was just wondering about this today. We can feel happy for a moment, but it always seems to come at a cost. Is it even possible to be truly deeply happy??? Our whole world, everyone, seems so sad and miserable these days.
Zonuss Ā· 46-50, M
@PeachyK Yes it is possible. The more you love yourself the better off you will be. šŸ˜Š
Jeffrey53 Ā· 51-55, M
I could be happier but Iā€™m in the middle
Zonuss Ā· 46-50, M
@Jeffrey53 I understand.
Domking Ā· 61-69, M
Yes. Of course, I didn't know, I had to learn
today i'm okay, i answered #3
Zonuss Ā· 46-50, M
Dino11 Ā· M
Mona86 Ā· C

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