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How often do you feel nostalgia?

Today I started to feel intense nostalgia from the old videogames I used to play when I was younger, especially the little big planet series. I loved those games soo much, everything about them. I remember when I started playing the first one, I was so young that I was actually little scared about some of the story levels in it. I don't think I ever finished a level of my own, I just had so much fun playing those games with my brother and sisters. And when I had the chance to play LBP3 this year I was soo happy. That game is childish and cute in a way, and It will always be one of my favorite videogames. Haha but I'm going to stop now. When was the last time that you felt nostalgic about something? Does anyone else get intensely nostalgic for periods of your past where, if viewed objectively without hindsight, you were actually unhappy?
Idk -- I find myself getting super wistful about times in my life where if I look back on it without rose colored glasses I realize I was super depressed and miserable (and knew it at the time). Brain be on some bullshit. At what age do you start to feel actual nostalgia? Do any other guys have a almost constant feeling of nostalgia, and often it hits you in such a strong wave that it makes you stop what you are doing?
As I said I feel a near constant and consistent touch of nostalgia. I like older stuff so maybe that’s why idk. I can’t really explain it because a lot of times I don’t know what it is I miss/am connecting to. Sometimes though its so strong it makes me want to pause and shed a tear for some reason. Sorry I feel like this is just like a brain dump, but I don’t really know how to word what I feel. Just wondering if it’s a common thing. Not technically nostalgia per se, but a sort of yearning for an experience that you might never have because of the path of life you've taken or have been given. I know that sounds a little vague, but to give an example, I'm homeschooled and have often been a bit anti social but I've idealized the notion of me being in plays and musical productions instead of whatever else I did when I was younger. Sorry if I'm rambling, share your thoughts ~DAE ever get nostalgia so strong that it makes you a little depressed?
Lately, whenever I've watched movies and TV shows set in the 80's and 90's, I get a strong sense of nostalgia. I was a kid in the 80s and a teenager in the 90s, so that time period represents a time of innocence and being carefree - before I became cynical and jaded as an adult. The thing is that it's a very intense nostalgia that's almost painful to feel. I feel like I really want to go back to the days of my youth, but am unable to do so. Therefore, although I love shows like Stranger Things, I can't help but feeling a little depressed while I watch them. Does anyone else feel this way when you watch nostalgic movies or TV shows? How often do you feel intense nostalgia/ yearning for the past? I was recently watching Avatar: The Last Airbender on a whim, and ended up doing a marathon over a couple weeks watching the whole thing. I watched the show all the time as a kid, and loved every second of it. These days, I don't really find much enjoyment out of watching it, since it's aimed towards kids. I did, however, feel a lot of nostalgia, even finding myself crying for just about no reason while watching the show. It got me thinking... why am I even nostalgic for this show? I don't have any memories of it that stick out, and my childhood wasn't abnormal in any way. Everything I've searched on the subject is either too vague or confusing, and so I ask you to explain this like I'm five. What IS nostalgia, how exactly does it work, and why am I feeling it? Last year was the best year of my life. I was living in my dream foreign city studying something I really like and living all by myself, discovering new places, making local friends, falling in love, etc. When I finished my studies and had to leave the city and my friends, it was extremely hard for me- I was literally depressed. A year later now, I still talk to some people I met there from time to time, but it's nothing like before since we now don't share much in common, we are not in each other's lives and we probably won't even see each other again since we live in different countries. I know it's normal but it looks like I am the only one who actually misses the old days, I really do think of how much fun we had everyday and I miss every single person I left behind in that country. But it looks like they forgot everything or just think that it was fun but it's all in the past. They go on with their life as if nothing had ever happened. I mean there are some friends I was inseperable with back then and now we don't even text each other to catch up. Last time we talked was 3 months ago and I have thought of texting them but I'm afraid they will think it's awkward since I am now someone in their past and we literally have nothing to do with each other anymore. I've always been a super nostalgic person and I think it's not beneficial at all. Why is it so hard for me to accept that something is over when it is and just move on with my life like other people? I'm not even 30 and I'm often hit with a nostalgia feeling. Whenever I go to a place where I grew up when I was underage, when I did my studies or whenever, I have this sad and melancholic feeling. I feel that I don't have this things anymore which is quite sad to notice. Of course I know that at every age you live specific things, so although you don't have things you had back then, you can enjoy new things you couldn't do before. But nostalgia seems to have the upper end on the emotion in those curious moments. Special mention when you listen to music you used to listen at a certain age, the emotion suddenly brings melancholic thoughts back. The curious thing is that you know that you weren't especially happier back then, and you know you should enjoy every day as equal. But anyway the feeling is strong! I fear that it would be harder and harder while growing up since there will be more and more moments you'll remember and won't experience anymore. How do you handle all those feelings ? Sure, a lot of the time this sub can be 80s and 90s deep cuts, however scrolling through it's seemingly easy to find posts about seemingly recent stuff. I'm no grey beard by any stretch, however I find myself asking "how is this even nostalgic?", or a post is about something that still exist with seemingly no difference in popularity. It's like asking remember Coca-Cola or Nintendo, and not bringing up anything that might indicate that your referring to a time since past. I'm not sure, how old does something have to be to really seem nostalgic? How often do you experience nostalgia?
I’ve noticed many ENFP’s/INFP’s I’ve come across have a nostalgic streak to them and I feel like I’m no exception. Not sure if it’s brought on by our inferior function or if it is common among enneagram 4’s. I tend to romanticize experiences with people, romanticize the past and I overall enjoy the feeling of nostalgia. Anyone else here relate? Do you often get a nostalgic feeling for history that you weren’t even apart of? When studying history, especially early American history (1776 and beyond) , I often get this nostalgic feeling for a time period I wasn’t even alive for. Obviously not regarding the horrible parts, I kind of want to go back to that time. Is that common or am I just being naive. Although I know every period had it’s problem and we shouldn’t downplay it, I often get a feeling of times being better and simpler. Idk maybe again I’m being naive and playing into propaganda. Why do people like nostalgia?
I've been thinking a bit about this recently as I get older. I happened to Google this same question and was surprised to find studies that reinforce the idea that people love nostalgia among other pages about nostalgia and sites devoted to inducing nostalgia. In fact you don't even need to look as far as Google to see our society is fixated on the past. How many movies get released every year that are either remakes or continuations in old, established IPs (think the new Top Gun movie, the Star Wars series, or the onslaught of Disney remakes coming out yearly)? How many arena rock bands make comfortable livings now playing state fairs? Tv shows like Roseanne and possibly Frasier getting rebooted. Roseanne had massive ratings before she got it cancelled. I also have come to understand Stranger Things plays on a lot of 80s influenced nostalgia. Keeping on the theme of television, South Park had the bit about memberberries and their intoxicating effect on those who consume them. In personal relationships it seems one of the biggest things people do is recount past events to one another especially old friends. Tony Soprano has a quote on this I quite like: "Remember when is the lowest form of conversation".
So what is it about nostalgia that drives people wild? Does everything really look better in rose colored glasses?
Personally I despise nostalgia. The word comes from two Greek words which roughly translate to "pain (algia)" and "nostros (homecoming I think?)". To the Greeks nostalgia was not a positive thing but a painful thing and that's how I experience nostalgia. Example: I had a flood of emotions just from seeing the title sequence to an old anime I watched 12 years ago. It's unsettling to me that something as simple as a song can bring back so many memories and I don't feel the positivity in remembering past times, even if they were good times because it invariably leads me to mourning for the past. I don't consider my response to nostalgia a necessarily healthy one but I also think it's unhealthy to fixate on the past.
So what are your thoughts on nostalgia? Any psychologists care to chime in? Care to share a nostalgic experience or how you perceive it? Or maybe you just have an idea as to why it's seen as a positive emotion in American society. Let me hear your thoughts!
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I dont dig any more. Finish targets of daily Nothings, collect your smiles n 😴.

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