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Which is the most disliked and hated zodiac sign that is often overlooked or simply dismissed?

Which zodiac sign is the most unfairly judged and is the most negatively perceived and negatively stereotyped? Which zodiac sign is the most mistreated, is the least appreciated and most underrated? Isn't it mean that some people hate you just because of your zodiac sign?
I have an unshakable faith in astrology, but I don't try to look at people as their zodiac signs, because everyone is his own individual.
I don't understand why some feel the need to mention their favorite signs from 1 to 12, or the best to worst zodiac signs.
We often forget that we're dealing with indivudals of emotions, and whatever we say will affect others, either in a bad or a good way.
And it is far better to make people feel good about themselves, rather than to try to break them down for being a certain Zodiac Sign.
I just hope people could understand that you can't judge a person only based on his sign. Which zodiac sigh is incredibly underrated?
Poeticdiva · 31-35, F Best Comment

I honestly don’t know anyone irl that backwards and superstitious. Zodiac readings are fun as entertainment, but to judge someone seriously and mistreat them based on something as random as their birthdate is idiotic. No one has any control over that. I’d certainly have no respect for someone who could actually hate another based on something so silly. 😳

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