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What's the most painful and profound truth about life you've realized so far?

What is the most brutally honest thing someone has said to you? What is the most unbiased news source you know? What is the most depressing truth that you've had to accept? What’s the most honest and straightforward thing you have ever done, knowing it would be to your detriment? What's the most horrible truth you've learned about this world? What harsh truths have you learned as you have grown and aged? What is the deepest truth you have discovered in life? What are some cold, harsh truth about life that people in their 20's should know? What are some of the darkest truths that you've had to accept in life? What is the scariest truth that many people don't know of? In life, what is the harshest truth someone has ever taught you? What are brutal truths everyone should realize earlier in life? What is the most disturbing fact about how life works you know of? What's one unfortunate thing you've realized or learned about life as you have gotten older?
Sorry to start the morning off with a downer topic, but seriously, what's one sad or unfortunate thing that you've learned about life as you have gotten older, especially after finishing college/ starting "real" life, etc...For me, I've realized, and am still kinda coming to terms with (despite the fact that I'm 31), that the only way I can function and effectively complete all the tasks that I need to complete on a daily basis, and still stay sane, is by numbing out a little. It kinda sucks because back in college and maybe a little after when life was simpler and there was just less to do on a daily basis and life was a little more straightforward or "one dimensional" I was able to really throw a lot of passion/ energy behind everything, be it positive or negative. I feel like back then there was a little fireball behind every statement, action, response, etc., but as life got more complicated and I've gotten more mature, I find that I don't have the physical and mental resources to do that anymore. There's just so much shit that goes down on a regular basis when you're out there making a life for yourself in the real world, that it's impossible (at least for me) to have that same fire behind everything that you do or everything that happens to you. If I tried, I think I would burn out. I find that I need to just numb out a little and not get too emotional about everyday situations. In some ways I love my new maturity, but in other ways I miss that spark. Unfortunately, I think that approach may also start to carry over to other aspects of life as well... Anyway, enough about me, what about you guys? What’s the harshest truth you’ve learned? Very few people truly give a shit about you. Identify them. Embrace them. It’s not that other people are bad…they just have other priorities.
DeluxedEdition · 26-30, F Best Comment
That the scary monsters and shadows that you see at night aren’t the scary ones

The scary ones are the humans.
DeluxedEdition · 26-30, F
@DeluxedEdition Ty for ba 😏

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Menetics · 26-30, F
@DeluxedEdition We’re not together anymore.
That it's all an illusion and everything around us is designed to keep us tied down into that illusion.
Nothing stands relevant.
Just Nothing.
That whitespace is really

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