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How friendly are you with your neighbors?

Are you friends with your neighbors? Why or why not?
How? I've lived in the same home for 10+ years and don't know a thing about my neighhors. Any tips on getting to know them better? Is it a good idea to try and befriend your neighbors? Why or why not? Are you friends with your neighbors? What makes you want to be or not be friends with them? Are your neighbors friendly?
For a bit of context... I live in rural america. A significant portion of my cities population is rural meaning approximately 3 quarters live in town and 1 quarter live out in the country. I have lived most of my 27 years of life out in the country. We knew every neighbor within a mile radius and we all looked after each others property just to make sure no hooligans messed with anything. Recently my wife and I bought a house in town (better commutes, faster internet, more convenience etc) and I have had a heck of a time trying to make connections with my neighbors. I needed a boost this morning and when I asked my neighbor i needed my truck jump-started he acted like I was asking him to build me a new truck from scratch! I wave at everyone that passes by and try to be as friendly as possible. Do I just have bad luck with neighbors or is this a trend? I'm a pretty approachable guy. I keep my lawn tidy and make necessary repairs to my house so that it isn't ugly. Maybe its just a sign of the times. Maybe I've watched too much television or I was just spoiled by my good neighbors out in the country. It just boggles me. What is your relationship like with your neighbors? Is being friends with your neighbors a dying trend? How well do you get on with your neighbors? Are they nosy? Friendly? Noisy? Quiet? Do you feel like you're constantly being watched or eavesdropped on? Is this a permanent condition in your city/country or could you move somewhere else for more privacy and/or friendlier neighbors? Do you speak to your neighbours?
I moved into a city centre just over 3 years ago now, and I wasn't sure what the etiquette was back then, but it seems like no one speaks to each other unless you both happen to be out on the balcony at the same time.
I guess because it's a bit less open and you don't happen to see each other often, it's easy to not make a connection or whatever, but I was wondering what other people's experiences are. I'm willing to bet that older people living in the suburbs have a lot of interactions with their neighbours, but is it normal to knock on and introduce yourself these days if not living in one of these settings? Several people have come and gone in the apartments next to mine and I've had the bare minimum interaction with all of them. I wondered if it might have been a bit rude that I didn't introduce myself when I moved in but it seems that's not the way of things around here.
Ive seen what they look like. But i dont want them coming over and borrowing shit and trying to talk to me.
Are you my new neighbour?
If so, 😴.

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