Have you noticed a rise in anxiety, depression and other serious mental health disorders among your generation?
What can be done to help? In December, the U.S. surgeon general warned of a “devastating” mental health crisis among young people. He cited rates of anxiety and depression that started climbing even before the coronavirus pandemic, then skyrocketed during it. Have you seen this mental health crisis firsthand? Is it something you talk about with your peers? Has it affected you or your friends? From your perspective, what should adults know about the threats to mental health that teenagers are experiencing right now? What should they do about them? This article begins with statistics indicating that teenagers in the United States are experiencing a mental health crisis. Is this something you have observed in your own life or among your peers? Why do you think teenagers may be struggling with mental health right now? Do you think factors like the pandemic or the rise of social media have made a difference? Are there other factors you think we should be paying attention to? What do you think of the advice this article offers for how to support teenagers experiencing anxiety or depression? Is this advice in line with how you and your friends support one another? Is there anything you would add?
How do you cope with anxiety, stress and other challenges? What practices or habits help improve your mental health?
What do you think adults in power, like politicians and school administrators, should do to address the mental health crisis among young people? What changes would make a difference in your own life?
How do you cope with anxiety, stress and other challenges? What practices or habits help improve your mental health?
What do you think adults in power, like politicians and school administrators, should do to address the mental health crisis among young people? What changes would make a difference in your own life?