People who were very popular in high school, how did your life turn out?
Shameless nerd question: What was it like being popular in high school?
I wasn't lowest on the food chain growing up, but I was never popular. I developed social skills in college and made a lot of friends since then, but I've always wondered what the experience must have been like for kids who grew up popular. I know a lot of people on reddit were probably in my boat, but for those who weren't, what was high school like for you? Here are a couple specifics to get you started, in case the question is too broad... Did being in a social spotlight make you feel good or self-conscious? How did you feel towards nerdy kids? Did you get treated better by teachers/other adults because of your social standing? Were you popular in high school? If not how was your social standing? Were you popular or unpopular in high school? How is your life now because of it? Were you popular in high school? Did it change when you went to college? Were you popular in high school? Why or why not? How did the "popular" kids from your high school turn out? What were you known for in highschool? What type of person were you in high school? Were you one of "the cool kids" in high school? What was it like? How do you think it affected your high school experience? How did you become popular in High School? How popular/unpopular were you in high school? What clique were you a part of in high school? What role did you play socially in high school? How did your popularity in high school affect you as you got older? If you were part of the “popular group” in high school, what was that like? What kind of person were you in high school? What kind of person are you now? How popular were you in high school? Why were you popular in high school? On a scale of 1-10 how popular were you in high school? I was watching a podcast on YouTube recently where someone who went to school in both the US and Japan and talked about the differences between the two. They mentioned that in Japan the popular kids were typically the well-rounded, academically successful ones. Here in the US, it was often the more athletic students that were the popular kids. Adults who admittedly "peaked in high-school," what's life like for you now? What happened to the popular kids from your school?
I used to think they would be a big deal forever, but most of mine seemed to have gone into pretty simple, quiet lives. Became tradespeople, had kids, and pretty much disappeared. How is it where you are? If you were to describe the stereotypical cool/popular kids in your country's schools, who would they be? What made the popular kid at school so popular and so well-liked? Does popularity in college, high school really matter? How do we get it? What are the advantages and disadvantages? How did the popular kids at your school turn out? To make you stronger, witch in succession make you part of the stronger ones, them, able to withstand more and get on going like nothing happens. Like lion pups bites, that play hurts a bit, but shows how to not get killed. I was actually not much of cool kid, fought back with stronger force, too much of force, then they where afraid and we did not get along. Winning these battles didn't win me a war. Win would be not to give a f and get along anyway, but got that figured out too late, when we wehere all out of school. Hope you get it. It depends on whether you mean liked or not. Everyone knew me by sight and some people fled. I wasn't even the bully. I was just an idiot who was a huge fan of Gambit from X-Men who hadn't heard of Columbine happening the previous day, and wore my favorite coat to school. A brown trench coat. Suddenly the next 4 years was a blur of people beating me, fleeing from me, calling the cops for everything I said/did/drew/read/played, and getting searched for weapons almost every day. I lived my life under a microscope that constantly threatened to crush me if I stepped too far out of line.
Not very popular, I was considered weird, but the Nerdy guys sort of hung around because I would put a rapid stop to bullys. Had no friends in school, I didn't suit into the group. They only liked sports - I liked reading books. Never talked to anyone of this time ever again. I had a few friend groups but I wouldn’t consider myself popular. Long-time lurker. I'm in high school currently, so I'm interested in how popular you were or are in high school. Rank yourself on a scale from 1 to 10 with 10 being best, and describe yourself ijn high school (activities, grades, friend group at cetera). I'm an ENTJ. I'd rank myself 7-not like prom king/football player/stereotypical popular teen movie guy, but in the 'popular group'. I have a wide group of casual friemds but not really any close friends. I'm pretty much a straight A AP student overachiever, but I follow a work hard play hard mentality. I play tennis and am on the debate team (the captain spot is going to either me or my fellow ENTJ friend). I'm kind of a class clown at times. I mostly spectate on the whole dating drama-'oh, my ex is dating my best friend'-because although I love drama, if like to not get my hands dirty. Everyone says I'm going to be President someday, lol. It's actually a goal of mine. According to my friends, I'm the school's resident philosopher. I know that I wasn't popular by any means, and didn't really care to be. I had my share of friends and played sports so it's not like I was alone either. I guess I'm just curious if it's as glorious as it's thought out to be? Cmon cool kids, I know you have an account or two on this web-site. Recruit followers by being charming and attractive. Have the majority on your side and use that power to make outcasts of anyone who challenges your status. In a new social situation where nobody knows each other, look out for the people who go around "interviewing" everyone.
I don't want to sound pretentious here, but I like to consider myself somewhat popular at my highschool. I just try to make friends with everyone I meet and be friendly and helpful to everyone who needs help. Person looks sad? Ask them if they are ok, boom, friend. Guy drops his books? Help him get them up, boom, friend. I'm not rich or anything, my parents earn enough money to be secure but we don't live the high life or anything. I'm ok at sports, not the best, but decent. I don't go to parties or dances or anything like that, and I don't have a girlfriend. I just am friends with everyone.
The popular kids at my highly egotistical high school are from rich suburbs up north. The boys typically get popular by playing sports and getting a lot of girls and throwing parties whereas the girls get popular by being hot and bitchy yet people want to be friends with them for some strange reason. The best ground to be is the middle ground in my opinion. Under the radar, but you have your connections to really cool people, but you're not a complete social outcast. Be friendly and sociable. These days, the popular people tend to be wanderers, as they can jump from group to group of people instead of just sticking to a few friends. They tend to be happy and smile a lot, and confident in themselves. If you want to be popular in highschool, honestly just be yourself. If you do that, you are more likely to feel comfortable and confident in your situation which is already 10 times more appealing than snarky people who think they are the shit. What did the popular kid at your school do to go from cool to an absolute outcast?
People who ran into the “super popular kid” from school years later. How did he or she turn out? When did you become the popular kid in school and why? What made you the super popular kid in school? What was the downfall of the “popular kid” in your school? People who used to be the popular kid at school, where are you now in life? Popular kids of high school, how are you doing now? I don't think popular is a thing like it is in movies. The most popular kid from my high school was a prototype nerd who didn't socialize because he was taking 7 AP classes and in 5 clubs. He would've been the guy getting bullied by popular kids in movies. Were you the most popular kid in high school, and what is it actually like? What did it take to become popular back in your high school? When did you realize you were popular in high school? What did you do or tried to do to become popular in your school or college? What do you remember about the most popular kid(s) in your school? What made you highly popular in high school? Would you rather be the most popular kid in high school and end up having an average middle-class life; or, would you rather be one of the quiet, unpopular kids in high school who becomes a multi-millionaire by age 30? What did one of the "popular" kids do in your school that made them immediately lose their status as popular? Does high school popularity normally mean you will be popular in the wider world?
What's something you did in school that suddenly made you popular? If you were a loner at school, did a popular kid ever kindly talk to you?
What would you say to students who strive to be 'popular,' or 'cool,' in school? Do you regret being the 'popular' or 'nerd' kid in high school, or whatever stereotype you held with you? Did you like school? Were you a member of the “in” crowd? Did you study much? Did you worry about school?
What made you famous in your college campus?
Did you have a reputation in high school that was completely contrived so no one knew the "real you?" Does having a car in high school make the owner more popular? How were you treated as an introvert in high school?
Can you be successful even though you are unpopular in high school? Have you glowed up since high school, or do you still look the same?
Do you think you can be “popular” in high school without being what society deems as good looking? What kind of clique do/did you belong to in high school? What kind of person did most people think of you as in high school? Why do we feel like we need validation from "popular" people in high school? How did the creepy or weird kid in your high school end up in life? How many people from high school, do you ever see again? How can someone with a bad reputation at school become popular? Why is it that popular kids in high school seem to go downhill, while the weird kids become successful and attractive? Were you the coolest kid in your high school or were you far removed from that status?
What is one thing you loved about your high school that made it special? Is it true that the people who get picked on in high school, succeed, and all the popular people don't? Were you very smart in elementary school? Why do some people value popularity and put down those who aren’t popular? Wasn’t this behavior left in high school? Were you scared going into high school? What is high school like? Were you a popular student in senior high? If so, were you mean, snooty, and impossible to approach? What was the downfall of the “popular kid” in your school? What was the most "amazing" thing you could have that made you "popular" when you were in elementary school? How are you liking high school so far? Would you consider middle school to be the best time of your life if you were popular and made the best friends during that time unlike elementary, high, and college? Have you ever been a new kid at school and did the popular kids ever come up to you and ask to be your friend but never talk to you very much? What is the most savage thing you did in high school that made you popular? Why were you rejected by the cool kids at school?
Do you ever get embarrassed when you run into people who used to be cool in high school and they’re total losers now? How much were you excited on your first crush? What is your worst memory of middle school/junior high? Why do adults seem so unimpressed with middle school kids? Does everyone worry about fitting in high school even the popular kids? What is your earliest memories of school? How did you feel about school?
I wasn't lowest on the food chain growing up, but I was never popular. I developed social skills in college and made a lot of friends since then, but I've always wondered what the experience must have been like for kids who grew up popular. I know a lot of people on reddit were probably in my boat, but for those who weren't, what was high school like for you? Here are a couple specifics to get you started, in case the question is too broad... Did being in a social spotlight make you feel good or self-conscious? How did you feel towards nerdy kids? Did you get treated better by teachers/other adults because of your social standing? Were you popular in high school? If not how was your social standing? Were you popular or unpopular in high school? How is your life now because of it? Were you popular in high school? Did it change when you went to college? Were you popular in high school? Why or why not? How did the "popular" kids from your high school turn out? What were you known for in highschool? What type of person were you in high school? Were you one of "the cool kids" in high school? What was it like? How do you think it affected your high school experience? How did you become popular in High School? How popular/unpopular were you in high school? What clique were you a part of in high school? What role did you play socially in high school? How did your popularity in high school affect you as you got older? If you were part of the “popular group” in high school, what was that like? What kind of person were you in high school? What kind of person are you now? How popular were you in high school? Why were you popular in high school? On a scale of 1-10 how popular were you in high school? I was watching a podcast on YouTube recently where someone who went to school in both the US and Japan and talked about the differences between the two. They mentioned that in Japan the popular kids were typically the well-rounded, academically successful ones. Here in the US, it was often the more athletic students that were the popular kids. Adults who admittedly "peaked in high-school," what's life like for you now? What happened to the popular kids from your school?
I used to think they would be a big deal forever, but most of mine seemed to have gone into pretty simple, quiet lives. Became tradespeople, had kids, and pretty much disappeared. How is it where you are? If you were to describe the stereotypical cool/popular kids in your country's schools, who would they be? What made the popular kid at school so popular and so well-liked? Does popularity in college, high school really matter? How do we get it? What are the advantages and disadvantages? How did the popular kids at your school turn out? To make you stronger, witch in succession make you part of the stronger ones, them, able to withstand more and get on going like nothing happens. Like lion pups bites, that play hurts a bit, but shows how to not get killed. I was actually not much of cool kid, fought back with stronger force, too much of force, then they where afraid and we did not get along. Winning these battles didn't win me a war. Win would be not to give a f and get along anyway, but got that figured out too late, when we wehere all out of school. Hope you get it. It depends on whether you mean liked or not. Everyone knew me by sight and some people fled. I wasn't even the bully. I was just an idiot who was a huge fan of Gambit from X-Men who hadn't heard of Columbine happening the previous day, and wore my favorite coat to school. A brown trench coat. Suddenly the next 4 years was a blur of people beating me, fleeing from me, calling the cops for everything I said/did/drew/read/played, and getting searched for weapons almost every day. I lived my life under a microscope that constantly threatened to crush me if I stepped too far out of line.
Not very popular, I was considered weird, but the Nerdy guys sort of hung around because I would put a rapid stop to bullys. Had no friends in school, I didn't suit into the group. They only liked sports - I liked reading books. Never talked to anyone of this time ever again. I had a few friend groups but I wouldn’t consider myself popular. Long-time lurker. I'm in high school currently, so I'm interested in how popular you were or are in high school. Rank yourself on a scale from 1 to 10 with 10 being best, and describe yourself ijn high school (activities, grades, friend group at cetera). I'm an ENTJ. I'd rank myself 7-not like prom king/football player/stereotypical popular teen movie guy, but in the 'popular group'. I have a wide group of casual friemds but not really any close friends. I'm pretty much a straight A AP student overachiever, but I follow a work hard play hard mentality. I play tennis and am on the debate team (the captain spot is going to either me or my fellow ENTJ friend). I'm kind of a class clown at times. I mostly spectate on the whole dating drama-'oh, my ex is dating my best friend'-because although I love drama, if like to not get my hands dirty. Everyone says I'm going to be President someday, lol. It's actually a goal of mine. According to my friends, I'm the school's resident philosopher. I know that I wasn't popular by any means, and didn't really care to be. I had my share of friends and played sports so it's not like I was alone either. I guess I'm just curious if it's as glorious as it's thought out to be? Cmon cool kids, I know you have an account or two on this web-site. Recruit followers by being charming and attractive. Have the majority on your side and use that power to make outcasts of anyone who challenges your status. In a new social situation where nobody knows each other, look out for the people who go around "interviewing" everyone.
I don't want to sound pretentious here, but I like to consider myself somewhat popular at my highschool. I just try to make friends with everyone I meet and be friendly and helpful to everyone who needs help. Person looks sad? Ask them if they are ok, boom, friend. Guy drops his books? Help him get them up, boom, friend. I'm not rich or anything, my parents earn enough money to be secure but we don't live the high life or anything. I'm ok at sports, not the best, but decent. I don't go to parties or dances or anything like that, and I don't have a girlfriend. I just am friends with everyone.
The popular kids at my highly egotistical high school are from rich suburbs up north. The boys typically get popular by playing sports and getting a lot of girls and throwing parties whereas the girls get popular by being hot and bitchy yet people want to be friends with them for some strange reason. The best ground to be is the middle ground in my opinion. Under the radar, but you have your connections to really cool people, but you're not a complete social outcast. Be friendly and sociable. These days, the popular people tend to be wanderers, as they can jump from group to group of people instead of just sticking to a few friends. They tend to be happy and smile a lot, and confident in themselves. If you want to be popular in highschool, honestly just be yourself. If you do that, you are more likely to feel comfortable and confident in your situation which is already 10 times more appealing than snarky people who think they are the shit. What did the popular kid at your school do to go from cool to an absolute outcast?
People who ran into the “super popular kid” from school years later. How did he or she turn out? When did you become the popular kid in school and why? What made you the super popular kid in school? What was the downfall of the “popular kid” in your school? People who used to be the popular kid at school, where are you now in life? Popular kids of high school, how are you doing now? I don't think popular is a thing like it is in movies. The most popular kid from my high school was a prototype nerd who didn't socialize because he was taking 7 AP classes and in 5 clubs. He would've been the guy getting bullied by popular kids in movies. Were you the most popular kid in high school, and what is it actually like? What did it take to become popular back in your high school? When did you realize you were popular in high school? What did you do or tried to do to become popular in your school or college? What do you remember about the most popular kid(s) in your school? What made you highly popular in high school? Would you rather be the most popular kid in high school and end up having an average middle-class life; or, would you rather be one of the quiet, unpopular kids in high school who becomes a multi-millionaire by age 30? What did one of the "popular" kids do in your school that made them immediately lose their status as popular? Does high school popularity normally mean you will be popular in the wider world?
What's something you did in school that suddenly made you popular? If you were a loner at school, did a popular kid ever kindly talk to you?
What would you say to students who strive to be 'popular,' or 'cool,' in school? Do you regret being the 'popular' or 'nerd' kid in high school, or whatever stereotype you held with you? Did you like school? Were you a member of the “in” crowd? Did you study much? Did you worry about school?
What made you famous in your college campus?
Did you have a reputation in high school that was completely contrived so no one knew the "real you?" Does having a car in high school make the owner more popular? How were you treated as an introvert in high school?
Can you be successful even though you are unpopular in high school? Have you glowed up since high school, or do you still look the same?
Do you think you can be “popular” in high school without being what society deems as good looking? What kind of clique do/did you belong to in high school? What kind of person did most people think of you as in high school? Why do we feel like we need validation from "popular" people in high school? How did the creepy or weird kid in your high school end up in life? How many people from high school, do you ever see again? How can someone with a bad reputation at school become popular? Why is it that popular kids in high school seem to go downhill, while the weird kids become successful and attractive? Were you the coolest kid in your high school or were you far removed from that status?
What is one thing you loved about your high school that made it special? Is it true that the people who get picked on in high school, succeed, and all the popular people don't? Were you very smart in elementary school? Why do some people value popularity and put down those who aren’t popular? Wasn’t this behavior left in high school? Were you scared going into high school? What is high school like? Were you a popular student in senior high? If so, were you mean, snooty, and impossible to approach? What was the downfall of the “popular kid” in your school? What was the most "amazing" thing you could have that made you "popular" when you were in elementary school? How are you liking high school so far? Would you consider middle school to be the best time of your life if you were popular and made the best friends during that time unlike elementary, high, and college? Have you ever been a new kid at school and did the popular kids ever come up to you and ask to be your friend but never talk to you very much? What is the most savage thing you did in high school that made you popular? Why were you rejected by the cool kids at school?
Do you ever get embarrassed when you run into people who used to be cool in high school and they’re total losers now? How much were you excited on your first crush? What is your worst memory of middle school/junior high? Why do adults seem so unimpressed with middle school kids? Does everyone worry about fitting in high school even the popular kids? What is your earliest memories of school? How did you feel about school?