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Can anyone defend the Chicago Teachers Union?

We have a very well-known group of "usual suspects" in Captain Renault's famous phrase from Casablanca, namely the progressives on here who are so vocal.
I call on them to speak up about the reprehensible actions by the Chicago Teachers Union to prevent in-person learning in the Chicago public schools, further injuring the poorest and least privileged kids.
The $40,000,000 or so of their annual political contributions go overwhelmingly to Democrats, it shold be noted
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CountScrofula · 41-45, M
President of a union here.

So the union's duty is to protect their members' health and in-person classes during pandemic spikes literally will kill people. Yes, it will hurt students. There are no best options here but the health of their members is their primary legal obligation.

If they gleefully send their members into classes during covid and someone dies they could be successfully sued.

Also unions should not donate to political parties. I hate that shit. We do not.
CountScrofula · 41-45, M
@MethDozer Shit this thread got away from me lmao.

But yeah the short version is that if unions want pro-worker policy established, they need to fight for it, not donate for it. The Democratic party is a corrupt fundraising grift and should die. Fucking losers who lose deliberately so that they can point to how scary Republicans are and get more money. Put up em up against the wall. Best way to get abortion rights back is to shut down the economy not vote extra hard for those fucking weenies.
@LeopoldBloom 😅😅😁 As mentioned earlier, see you at Crist's victory party. The last time there was a "shellacking", it happened to Obama's party (remember his quote?). And that is how it will go.
When you carry on as you did with your insults, I'm reminded of Hugh Griffith's comment to the Steven Boyd character in Ben Hur : "Bravely spoken" .
Youv'e shown yourself as worthy of contempt, sir. I hate to repeat myself but when the comment is so apt, I must:
You also couldn't resit---the temptation is so, so strong" to use "fascist"-you f---ing fool or worse, agent of progrssive dis.mis/information . The real fascism is the woke culture you've been baptized in via kool-aid.
I urge you, for your own well-being, to stop feeding yourself this intellectual poison you seem to be addicted to..
MethDozer · M
Defend them from what ? Not wanting to risk the lives of their members and the children ? Is the issue that they voted to continue remote classes because of omicron’s risk ? Or was there something else ?
@LamontCranston If it keeps the children from getting sick and spreading the virus, how is that hypocritical ? I get that you have a specific agenda here, but what about the people who are refusing to vaccinate their kids but still planning to send them to class, like nothing’s wrong ? Part of being a teacher is catching whatever the kids bring to school —I know this from the days that I taught. This is too serious a problem.
@bijouxbroussard I do NOT have an agenda. Please stop such comments and reply to the merits.
All the "science" is that schools are safe for students and there has been incredible harm to students' mental health and learning ability from being kept out of the clssroom. Even the New York Times has acknowledged this. As mentioned above, the president-in his own mealy-mouthed way-said kids should be in school.
The serious problem is the clout of the teachers' union. The fact that the Democrats are so dependent on them for political contributions is a scandal.
(The qurestion of the degree to which children need to be vaccinated is still up in the air. But many are. Your argument is a deflection.)
@LamontCranston Occasionally I agree with your posts or at least respect your pov, but I’m still trying to figure out where you’re coming from here. In any case, I was trying to sort that out, not looking to be attacked because you distrust labor unions. I’ll leave you to it.
Keepitsimple · 51-55, F
They can stay home and take a cut in salary and health benefits and PTO time. Their salary should be cut when not in a classroom and parents are doing most of the work. Taxes should be cut also being they don’t need 5 million dollars to heat and light the place.
Assuming that I'm understanding this right, I definitely agree with the teachers' union. I would rather study from home and be safe than crammed into school and constantly afraid of getting sick from the virus.
I'm also one of the people who is at high risk for complications. Put the kids' overall health first, then once things calm down a fair bit (I mean, for fuck's sake the US has over a million cases from Omicron now), then decide whether or not it is safe to be crammed into a classroom with lackluster air circulation.
@SW-User ok, you may have a condition which makes in school problematic-FOR YOU. But you are ignoring all the literature which shows children having physical and mental health issues and being subject to depression, suicide, not getting inoculations against other dieases, losing thier ability to socialize and host of limitations and deficiencies in development by not being in school.

This IS about putting the kids' OVERALL health first: they need to be in school. Even Biden admits that.
i can't believe, with all the informtion out there, that this is ignored.
@LeopoldBloom No, it should not be REinterpreted. There is no end to the potential constittional abuse that brings. As our friend, Methdozer, says, that is what amendments are for.
(Disclosure: L. Cranston contributes to The Federalist Society)
DavidT8899 · 22-25, M
Is there any way that the union can be circumvented,perhaps by executive order?
@DavidT8899 Billionaire Governor Pritzker seems to be in bed with the union. He signed a bill into law in the spring whih expanded matters the union could bargain over and he has been silent on the union vote.
He arguably has power to do something about the matter. The mayor's authority appears to be limited but one hopes she can hold firm on not paying the "teachers".
DavidT8899 · 22-25, M
@LamontCranston Would that she could simply order those lazy,uncaring slobs to report to work immediately or be fired!
sally1981 · 41-45, F
So true by an clever Man that makes great comments, I cannot add to the debate as SW have banned me until the 16.01.2022
BackyardShaman · 61-69, M
You expect a teachers union to behave as irresponsible right wing lunatics? People like you are really sick,
@BackyardShaman When even the President of the United States says students should be in schools? You must be the sick one.
BackyardShaman · 61-69, M
Bugger off if you haven’t had the vaccine or booster, please don’t get them.@LamontCranston
@BackyardShaman Please be more civil in your comments. I've had two doses and a booster. What does your statemnet have to do with the original post?
redredred · M
One hopes that soon a defense attorney will be called upon to defend them.
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@SW-User How can you call an illegal strike a personal choice?
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Fukfacewillie · 56-60, M
You found something to get angry at! Well done.

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