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See, i keep hearing this whiny narrative that anything white is being targeted but that's just not what we're seeing.
Let me put this in perspective for you.
When the idea that it was pretty fucked up to make black people sit at the back of the bus or use their own water fountains came to the fore, was that anti-white?
No, it was pro-humanism.
That's the same thing you're seeing now. The areas in which white people have historically had the advantage are being eroded.
The heroes of American colonization were often times pretty god damned racist and we're starting to question if it is still appropriate to venerate them.
White people aren't being targeted, white privilege is being called out and as ALWAYS, when the privileged feel their privilege slipping away they react violently.
Let me put this in perspective for you.
When the idea that it was pretty fucked up to make black people sit at the back of the bus or use their own water fountains came to the fore, was that anti-white?
No, it was pro-humanism.
That's the same thing you're seeing now. The areas in which white people have historically had the advantage are being eroded.
The heroes of American colonization were often times pretty god damned racist and we're starting to question if it is still appropriate to venerate them.
White people aren't being targeted, white privilege is being called out and as ALWAYS, when the privileged feel their privilege slipping away they react violently.

@Pikachu @Pikachu You aren't getting the whole picture. Firstly, one problem is that you hold a very one sided view of history, because that is the only side of history and the only narrative we are taught. We are only told about the injustice enacted upon other races and therefore all of the woes of the world get pinned on whites, which is the first legitimate act of targeting whites I bring up here. Blacks and other minorities were not the only ones mistreated. The Irish were the first slaves brought to America, and yet the Irish are not demanding reparations. The Egyptians enslaved the Israelites. There were many black slave owners, and even sold their own people. Thomas Sowell has a great book on this called White liberals and black rednecks. In history class we are always made to believe that whites were the evil enslavers and American Indians were the saints who got their land taken from them. First of all, the native Americans were already warring with other native American tribes and killing each other for land. You know how many women and children and different native Americans in general were killed because of native Americans at war with each other trying to conquer and colonize to get land? The only difference is that the whites were better at it cause they were more technologically advanced. If the native Americans were just as technologically advanced they would have done what they did to the same degree whites did it. But we are told that they were peaceful and we are evil. It is not a racial thing, it is a human nature thing. So, again, you see another example of targeting whites.
You claim that we are doing a lot of whining when the only whining going on is on the side of social justice warriors and cultural Marxists who continuously whine about white privilege and the white oppressors, when all races have oppressed and all races have been victimized in history.
Yet, if you look at American history of the last 50 years, whites have treated minorities with the kind of munificence and generosity that is unprecedented in the history of the world. They have given other races more generosity than any other race has ever given another race. Whites are still the majority in this country and yet whites have instituted institutions that discriminate against their own people. If you want to apply to an ivy league college or even a state university or a community college, do you think you're better off being a white male or a black female? Everyone knows the answer to that question. And this kind of unfairness is something that legislatures, state and federal have been utterly incapable of abolishing. Whites are not the race that have privileges today. So again, tell me exactly why white privilege is being called out please? And tell me why your ilk are whining so much about it?
University professors can openly call for white genocide and not lose their jobs. New York Times writers and editors can say unbelievably cruel things about whites and call for their extinction yet they don't lose their jobs. If a white said that about any other race, they would instantly lose their job. There are very blatant double standards.
No one mourns the many crimes committed against whites and they are covered up or ignored, like White south Africans are being tortured and murdered.
Typically, murder, abuse and mistreatment of or aggression towards whites doesn't get reported on the media, and when it does, no one ever makes a big deal out of it like they did over George Floyd or other minority groups. Nor would they ever.
What I call anti-white is legitimately and literally anti white racism and Anyone who doesn't think it is racism is a racist themselves.
I personally have witnessed at my job (I work in the psychology field) a therapist telling their black client (after this black client was being racist towards a white client) that it is impossible for them to be racist against whites, so encouraging her to continue to be racist towards the white client instead of apologizing for her racism and taking accountability for her words and actions. Why was the therapist saying this? Because of her liberal anti white indoctrination and because she viewed whites as oppressors and blacks as victims, again because her myopic view of history.
I can list hundreds of more examples of whites being targeted and discriminated against and the fact that there is very clearly an anti white agenda going on today.
A side note: when looking at the bigger picture and viewing the whole world, whites are actually the minority. We are a very small percentage of the global population and the only places we are the majority in is America and Europe. Asia for Asians, Africa for Africans, but Europe for everyone, and if you don't agree, you're racist and hateful. Mass immigration only happens into Europe and America. Because the elites are specifically targeting white countries, ontop of them inciting hatred and violence against, stirring up racial tension constantly with their lying press. Anyone who cannot see the white genocide agenda is either wicked, insane, stupid or not paying attention.
You claim that we are doing a lot of whining when the only whining going on is on the side of social justice warriors and cultural Marxists who continuously whine about white privilege and the white oppressors, when all races have oppressed and all races have been victimized in history.
Yet, if you look at American history of the last 50 years, whites have treated minorities with the kind of munificence and generosity that is unprecedented in the history of the world. They have given other races more generosity than any other race has ever given another race. Whites are still the majority in this country and yet whites have instituted institutions that discriminate against their own people. If you want to apply to an ivy league college or even a state university or a community college, do you think you're better off being a white male or a black female? Everyone knows the answer to that question. And this kind of unfairness is something that legislatures, state and federal have been utterly incapable of abolishing. Whites are not the race that have privileges today. So again, tell me exactly why white privilege is being called out please? And tell me why your ilk are whining so much about it?
University professors can openly call for white genocide and not lose their jobs. New York Times writers and editors can say unbelievably cruel things about whites and call for their extinction yet they don't lose their jobs. If a white said that about any other race, they would instantly lose their job. There are very blatant double standards.
No one mourns the many crimes committed against whites and they are covered up or ignored, like White south Africans are being tortured and murdered.
Typically, murder, abuse and mistreatment of or aggression towards whites doesn't get reported on the media, and when it does, no one ever makes a big deal out of it like they did over George Floyd or other minority groups. Nor would they ever.
What I call anti-white is legitimately and literally anti white racism and Anyone who doesn't think it is racism is a racist themselves.
I personally have witnessed at my job (I work in the psychology field) a therapist telling their black client (after this black client was being racist towards a white client) that it is impossible for them to be racist against whites, so encouraging her to continue to be racist towards the white client instead of apologizing for her racism and taking accountability for her words and actions. Why was the therapist saying this? Because of her liberal anti white indoctrination and because she viewed whites as oppressors and blacks as victims, again because her myopic view of history.
I can list hundreds of more examples of whites being targeted and discriminated against and the fact that there is very clearly an anti white agenda going on today.
A side note: when looking at the bigger picture and viewing the whole world, whites are actually the minority. We are a very small percentage of the global population and the only places we are the majority in is America and Europe. Asia for Asians, Africa for Africans, but Europe for everyone, and if you don't agree, you're racist and hateful. Mass immigration only happens into Europe and America. Because the elites are specifically targeting white countries, ontop of them inciting hatred and violence against, stirring up racial tension constantly with their lying press. Anyone who cannot see the white genocide agenda is either wicked, insane, stupid or not paying attention.
I hear this false narrative a lot and it's so transparent.
You seem to think that if other races have been racist or that if there exist examples of individual white people not enjoying the privilege of being white then it must not be real.
That white people are being unfairly persecuted.
That's not to say that white people don't experience racism as well...but that doesn't change the shape of the history in America or Europe.
P.s. Before we go on i'll need you to answer a question for me:
With God as your witness, do you think of black people or other races as lesser than white people? Do you believe that black people should go back to Africa or otherwise have white-only societies?
I hear this false narrative a lot and it's so transparent.
You seem to think that if other races have been racist or that if there exist examples of individual white people not enjoying the privilege of being white then it must not be real.
That white people are being unfairly persecuted.
That's not to say that white people don't experience racism as well...but that doesn't change the shape of the history in America or Europe.
P.s. Before we go on i'll need you to answer a question for me:
With God as your witness, do you think of black people or other races as lesser than white people? Do you believe that black people should go back to Africa or otherwise have white-only societies?
Bushranger · 70-79, M
@Pikachu This discussion reminds me of the old, but still current, claim that immigrants are taking the jobs of good, native born Australians (I'm an Aussie, so I'll talk about what I'm familiar with). In my experience, the jobs that have been taken are those that many of my fellow countrymen refuse to do.
This idea that white Australians are losing ground to other races is laughable. We have always had the upper hand when it came to privilege.
This idea that white Australians are losing ground to other races is laughable. We have always had the upper hand when it came to privilege.
NortiusMaximus · M
@Bushranger It's the same in the UK. We actively encouraged immigration from the West Indies in the 1960s to fill the job vacancies that the British people didn't want to do.
@Bushranger I suspect it wouldn't take much to get him talking about that lol

@Pikachu As suspected, you haven't refuted or even addressed any of the specific points I brought up. I'll be waiting.
Secondly, to answer your question: no, I do not think of blacks as inferior nor do I want them to go back to Africa. No, I am not a white nationalist.
The very fact that you equate the contents of my post with these things shows the kind of utter insanity and illogical thinking that liberal indoctrination camps, I mean, the education system produces.
Leave your brainwashing aside for just a sec and answer me this:
How in the world does calling out anti white hatred and racism (like the examples in my comment) have ANYTHING to do with hating other races. Nothing I said even hints at any of my views on other races and is a separate issue all together.
If you were to be speaking out against a form of racism against blacks or any other group, what would you think if I said, "do you think of white people or other races as lesser than black people? Do you believe that we should have black only societies?"
You know it would be absurd, but you don't think it is absurd in this case because of the obvious anti white racism that has been instilled in you and you have been so brainwashed that you don't even view it as a form of racism or prejudice.
Secondly, to answer your question: no, I do not think of blacks as inferior nor do I want them to go back to Africa. No, I am not a white nationalist.
The very fact that you equate the contents of my post with these things shows the kind of utter insanity and illogical thinking that liberal indoctrination camps, I mean, the education system produces.
Leave your brainwashing aside for just a sec and answer me this:
How in the world does calling out anti white hatred and racism (like the examples in my comment) have ANYTHING to do with hating other races. Nothing I said even hints at any of my views on other races and is a separate issue all together.
If you were to be speaking out against a form of racism against blacks or any other group, what would you think if I said, "do you think of white people or other races as lesser than black people? Do you believe that we should have black only societies?"
You know it would be absurd, but you don't think it is absurd in this case because of the obvious anti white racism that has been instilled in you and you have been so brainwashed that you don't even view it as a form of racism or prejudice.
I just wanted to make sure you weren't just a straight up bigot before i engaged with you further lol.
But you seem to be missing the point here.
It's not that there is no anti white racism or that white people can be disadvantaged, it's the absurd claim that you think whiteness or European heritage is under attack or being taken away.
There's nothing to refute. Yue haven't presented an argument.
Let's look at the kind of things you're saying: There were black slave owners, the Irish had it bad, Native Americans were warring amongst themselves and you've seen examples of white people being treated badly for being white (which yes, of course is racism).
What is this? What strength did you feel this leant your claim?
This does literally nothing to substantiate your claim that our heritage , history, culture and literature is going to be taken away.
It seems you were attacking a strawman, trying to convince me that whites are always the villains and that other races and cultures have their share of issues.
Newsflash: most people aren't anti-white or anti-white culture.
It's just that more and more people are recognizing the problematic aspects of out society and are pushing back against it.
You feel threatened by that and so you clutch your pearls and feel persecuted.
But you're fine. You'll be fine. Our culture will be fine.
I just wanted to make sure you weren't just a straight up bigot before i engaged with you further lol.
But you seem to be missing the point here.
It's not that there is no anti white racism or that white people can be disadvantaged, it's the absurd claim that you think whiteness or European heritage is under attack or being taken away.
There's nothing to refute. Yue haven't presented an argument.
Let's look at the kind of things you're saying: There were black slave owners, the Irish had it bad, Native Americans were warring amongst themselves and you've seen examples of white people being treated badly for being white (which yes, of course is racism).
What is this? What strength did you feel this leant your claim?
This does literally nothing to substantiate your claim that our heritage , history, culture and literature is going to be taken away.
It seems you were attacking a strawman, trying to convince me that whites are always the villains and that other races and cultures have their share of issues.
Newsflash: most people aren't anti-white or anti-white culture.
It's just that more and more people are recognizing the problematic aspects of out society and are pushing back against it.
You feel threatened by that and so you clutch your pearls and feel persecuted.
But you're fine. You'll be fine. Our culture will be fine.