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Why do customers feel the need to get really close to you?

Something ill never understand especially now with how things are..😒🙄
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bijouxbroussard · F Best Comment
Is this at your workplace ?
@ChipmunkErnie some people cant respect space i guess
ChipmunkErnie · 70-79, M
@SW-User The thing is, what makes YOU uncomfortable may seem totally normal to THEM. It can cause a lot of misunderstanding. I once saw a video about the subject where people from two cultures kept trying to be natural -- the one kept moving closer because that felt right to him, the other kept backing away because that felt comfortable to him. The first person couldn't figure out why the other was being rude by backing away, the second couldn't figure why the other was being so rude by invading his personal space.

I guess it's a bit like those women who are "huggers" and will ignore the fact that many people don;t want their hugs.
@ChipmunkErnie true i didnt consider that

(sorry) [media=]
Wallflow3r · 26-30, F
Whats wrong with that?
@Wallflow3r well it should that is exactly why covid is spreading not enough people are taking it serious.
Wallflow3r · 26-30, F
@SW-User Uhm no I am very aware of it I just don't live in constant fear of it. I've watched lots of detailed Documentaries on it so I probably know more about it then even you do. I will admit it's pretty scary and you're right people don't take it seriously which is problem but I also find people take too seriously as well. My comment was part joking, Of course I have common sense and respect peoples space and I always wear mask when I go out plus I am vaccinated while some people refuse because they think the government is trying to control them which is non sense.. It's more the government is taking the necessary precautions to control this flu. No need to get all butthurt. Take care.
@Wallflow3r fear has nothing to do with it its about being smart and protecting those around you and this is nothing to joke about.
cherokeepatti · 61-69, F
Probably lonely and just want to talk. There were some regulars like that at the Walmart I worked when I was a greeter about a decade ago.
cherokeepatti · 61-69, F
@SW-User yeah I know
@cherokeepatti whats wrong with people
cherokeepatti · 61-69, F
@SW-User I don’t know
MarkPaul · 26-30, M
They don't understand the male code, numbers.
@MarkPaul yeah i have to tread softly people are quickly offended by anything these days
MarkPaul · 26-30, M
@SW-User Don't worry, numbers. I got your back.
@MarkPaul appreciate that
@SW-User no thanks i dont want my coworkers or management thinking i have covid
Just cough that’ll make em freak out and move away 💥
ChipmunkErnie · 70-79, M
Maybe you;re simply irresistible?
@ChipmunkErnie uhh i dont give off those vibes but thanks!
For what it's worth mate with the very limited number of dark skinned people we have here I do try to stay out of their way because of the general covid thing. It's such a shitty deal and I do think some sort of protection would be nice but I'm not sure any suggestions wouldn't be misconstrued or even possibly twisted into segregation propaganda. It's a hard thing to solve.

But I try to stay out of the way of those who are extra vulnerable, also including older folks too. 👍
@Grateful4you i did not but we cleared it up thanks
@SW-User he seems genuine its ok
@SW-User Thank you, mate. Have a good night. ✌️
Lilnonames · F
so they can grab u.never let anyone thats angry get that close
@Lilnonames theyre mostly males no thanks 🤣
Lilnonames · F
@SW-User butt pat lol😪
@Lilnonames no butts!! people need to be socially distancing
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