Sharon · F
The company that is believed to have supplied Robert Catesby & co. with the gunpowder, still make fireworks to celebrate the attempt. :)
Justmeraeagain · 56-60, F
This is America I don't have time to make that many calls 😬
bowman81 · M
Justmeraeagain · 56-60, F
@bowman81 Of course not!
Probably should dust those corners...👀
Probably should dust those corners...👀
DocSavage · M
You know, after all this time. i still can't think of a reason to forget it.
Dan509 · 26-30, M
Remember remember....ummm... something, I forget
Dlrannie · 31-35, F
Especially if his first name is Guido 😂
Casualsharter · 36-40, F
Not many people say that do I know you
bowman81 · M
Hell, gunpowder is near unobtainable now. If he doesn't have it already he is out of luck. Breath easier...(only a little) fuel oil and fertilizer are still available.
LordShadowfire · 46-50, M
I find it so interesting that Guy managed to get all that gunpowder under the Parliament building without getting caught, and then suddenly here come the police.