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What do you think of the MGTOW philosophy and red pill in general?

I saw some videos about it on YouTube.
I can see how it can attract men as an emotional refuge who are reeling from modern day toxic feminism and its overextending misandry, stereotyping, and social oppression of men. However, sometimes we become the beast we run from and MGTOW is now populated with some people who are now back to what made feminism so toxic: stereotyping, generalizing, and overextending misogynistic propaganda.

This back and forth can be stopped. MGTOW and the modern feminist movement should address their bad apples that fuel the bad apples of the other side, polarizing and tainting the images of the movements. This is ultimately why I am against MGTOW but like every group, they have some good points. People just tend lose themselves when in echo chambers
BlueVeins · 22-25
@Babylon Vaush is the true refuge from misandry 😌
@BlueVeins what exactly is vaush? 👀
BlueVeins · 22-25
@Babylon He's a leftist youtuber i like. He tends to address prejudice directly regardless of who it's addressed towards, which is fairly uncommon among leftists.
graphite · 61-69, M
MGTOW is about men who believe the legal systems, etc are overwhelmingly stacked against them so they avoid entanglements with women. No getting married and risking divorce and the subsequent entitlements he must provide, including child support, lifetime alimony, half his assets, etc, even if he's done nothing wrong. If he gets hit with child support and alimony obligations beyond his means, it's off to jail. More guys are just saying no, and understandably so.
graphite · 61-69, M
@salvador Gracias a Dios por los sitios web de traductores de idiomas!
salvador · 36-40, M
@graphite oh sorry i didnt take care about language, this navigator translated your text and i thought that you was writting in spanish now i see the problem
salvador · 36-40, M
@graphite i meant, in general, don't let them manipulate you by saying that it's a movement that hates women, just are straw men arguments for you to distract yourself because deep down they are afraid that men will wake up and watch their dirty games and they will stop playing. have comforts, read the tamed male of esther vilar she is a woman and can explain much better what I am telling you, in her 60s at the height of feminism the same ones of the time wanted to lynch her and disappear her for revealing how things are , to many others we came to confirm our observations, at first intuition, but read books, ask the mgtow, do not close men because it could be too late, then when they have a false complaint against them or they put a child on them that it is not yours (something very common for females in the primate family, watch documentaries about the dynamics of apes we are not very different humans except for the neo cortex, but the system limbic and the reptilian brain are related) do not stay with those simplistic conceptions as women do, you are more intellectually powerful even if they tell you otherwise, you are the men who carry everything on their shoulders and they only evaluate (something in itself very unfair) and the reinforcement of the roles imposed by society, you must also be empowered, take off traditional roles and love only yourself and be reciprocal with others depending on how you behave, with justice and objectivity.
I think it's a segment of men pushing back against the crazy feminist rhetoric.
@bijouxbroussard That's redpill. There's a difference between mgtow, redpill, FA and incels
PhaqueYou · M
@FenixGears thus, generally speaking. You don't get along w/females.

Then blame 'em.

Just keep to yrself dude.
FenixGears · 41-45, M
You must be red pill before you become MGTOW. It's almost impossible to be blue pill and be MGTOW.
I'm so happy the internet can bring groups of fine individuals like these together.
SumKindaMunster · 51-55, M
I think its a dead end.

It forces a worldview upon you where you see women as adversaries, it promotes stereotypes about both men and women, and it doesn't help you find what you want, which is a mutually satisfying relationship with a real person, not a life philosophy that pits you against 50% of the world.

I mean, if that's what you want so be it, but most people who investigate these movements are looking for a partner, not a philosophy that gives you the motivation to give up and stop trying.
SumKindaMunster · 51-55, M
@graphite I said it was a dead end

Good luck with it, sounds like a match made in heaven.
graphite · 61-69, M
@SumKindaMunster It's men not falling in line with what is expected of them. And this upsets a lot of people. Under better legal and societal conditions, there wouldn't be any MGTOW. But the situation is what it is.
salvador · 36-40, M
@SumKindaMunster mgtow no te impone nada, es una filosofía, te da el conocimiento y las herramientas tu decides si sigues el sistema o no. Es mas decimos que los jovenes salgan con chicas, que tengan experiencia con cuidado y ojos criticos que sean analiticos y piensen con el cerebro y no con el nepe, no haz profundizado, es mas, Neo Occulorum uno de los exponentes tiene contacto con mujeres, pero nada de relaciones serias ni a largo plazo ni compromiso y con mucho cuidado de los problemas legales en los cuales te pudieses meter y ser abierto en cuanto al conocimmiento de las artimañas femeninas.
Just dudes who need to do what I did and choose to be gay. 😌

Stewie: Women, Brian...what a royal pain in the ass. It's like, it's like, why can't you just hang out with guys, you know? Just live with someone of your own sex. Just do what you would do with women, but with your buddy, you know? Why don't guys just do that?
Brian: They do, it's called being gay.
Stewie: Oh, that's what gay is? Oh yeah, I could totally get into that.
PhaqueYou · M
Ahh, men who blame women..

chrisCA · M
Emotionally stunted.
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I avoid them. I like men in general, and seeing things that remind me that a segment of them hate women and don’t see us as human beings is disturbing.
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DDonde · 31-35, M
People that get too deep into their own misery and construct elaborate theories as for why and aren't any better off as a result.

At the end of the day it's just a circle jerk
empanadas · 31-35, M
Dudes butt hurt because they get no pussy
graphite · 61-69, M
@empanadas Western culture is dismissive of the concerns of men. Hit with 18 years of child support for a kid that's not yours? Shut up, man up, and pay. Or it's off to jail. Can't pay child support because you can't work because you're injured? Man up and pay, or it's off to the slammer. Wife attacking you and and you're the one arrested? Primary aggressor doctrine invoked.

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