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Why is Joe Biden's approval rate so low ?

Joe Biden on the brink: Approval rating plummets to lowest level of presidency – poll.

JOE BIDEN is facing a crisis after a new poll found his approval rating has fallen to the lowest level of his presidency.

The latest Reuters/Ipsos opinion survey suggested just 44 percent of US adults approved of Mr Biden’s performance in office.

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Can anyone who is honestly looking at what's happening to our economy, our border, the rising resurgence of Covid, rising inflation and unemployment, and the botched withdrawal from Afghanistan... Seriously ask this?

Of course, none of this is ever going to be Joe's fault.
Randie · 61-69, T
@PrivateHell The liberals love him. They want to destroy us!
@Randie very few Liberals I know (aside from the online ones) can actually stand the man.
jackjjackson · 61-69, M
He’s there to take the blame and he doesn’t even know it. You have to give them credit for putting this scenario together and somehow getting him elected. @Randie
@jackjjackson said from the start he isn't a far left "Progressive", he's a figurehead/sock puppet for them.
jackjjackson · 61-69, M
He doesn’t know what is happening. They are making a fool of him well I know he was always a fool they are just using it cleverly. @PrivateHell
Tminus6453 · M
very few Liberals I know (aside from the online ones) can actually stand the man.

And most of the ones online who love him so much are not even from the US, they just hate America so they root for dopehead joe
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Peachtree · 46-50, F
@PrivateHell Of course he shares in the blame of everything mentioned, but lets not act like some of that wasn't already going on before he took office. Trump did leave with with a 34% approval rating after all but I guess that means nothing either.
@Peachtree thank you for the fine visual aid to what i was talking about. It wasn't necessary to chime in and prove my point, we all already knew what deflection and whataboutism looks like.

I in no way say that Trump was perfect, or never did anything wrong. But the topic is about Biden now, and just as those on your side insisted for Trump supporters, it's time to live by the standards you set. If Trump was responsible during his term, it's time to own it now for Biden. You don't get it both ways.
Peachtree · 46-50, F
@PrivateHell And he has 3 more years to own it. The economy is going to be tied to Covid for a while since it effects businesses. Biden pushed and still is pushing for vaccines (I understand if someone doesn't want to take them, that is fine, but just know, no one in the world has any answer on how to stop Covid outside of treating individual symptoms so it should be no surprise that it is rising). The border is a mess, as it often always is but he does have to do something about it. Inflation is more lumped in with the economy (but after many business took record losses during the pandemic, it shouldn't be surprising that prices shot up to offset lost income. America is suppose to have a free market after all) and he already is trying to push a huge infrastructure deal that will create jobs. Most of the rise in unemployment is due to the pandemic. Time will tell and i'll gladly change my vote after his term if it's necessary.
@Peachtree wow. Always amazed when someone triples down rather than concedes a valid point. I do give you credit for your deflection skills here though. You do the propagandist media proud.

Unfortunately, the half-truth-whole-lie method no longer works for many in today's society. Biden (and the country under his watch) is self destructing at a much more pronounced rate now, right before our eyes. And more people everyday are waking up to the fact. So many that the MSM is actually taking hits themselves for trying to cover it all up.

Yes, Covid hit our economy hard at first, but it was snapping back under Trump (after he had rebounded it before Covid). It was team Biden who was crying for more lockdowns during the campaign, and is currently paying people more to stay unemployed than they can make on tge job. So, yes Biden owns the economy and the inflation that comes with it.

As unpopular as the issue was, Trump had brought a measure of stability to our southern border at last, and stopped the caravans that were a constant plague under the administration before (you know, when Biden was VP?). One of Biden's first acts was to undo almost everything Trump did there and reinstate catch and release. So, yes Biden owns the border crisis.

Look at all the crap that has blown up in our faces since Biden took office. You may want to claim that these are all just bad circumstances, but it was his job to handle them and he didn't. Things are worse now than they were a year ago, and getting even worse everyday. I sincerely hope we survive the next 3 years so we at least have a chance to get rid of the fools in office now.
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jackjjackson · 61-69, M
What Stereo wrote. You’re absolutely correct. @PrivateHell
monte3 · 70-79, M
@jackjjackson and yet Biden is such an improvement over trump that the right is again miserable. 😊.
Biden will allow democracy to continue and the counrptry will slowly heal and the tru,posts will still be angry and sad.
jackjjackson · 61-69, M
Riddle me this Monte. Why has Biden made all of this worse?

The French

All in a few short months. @monte3
@monte3 crack is a terrible drug and it is clearly destroying your brain. Please just leave it alone.
monte3 · 70-79, M
@jackjjackson and since democracy is safe, Biden IS better than trump! Isn’t it amazing?
And on two of you “points” partisanship and racism: seriously? Trump was the first and only president that ran things TO divide not to unify. 🤷‍♂️ And as for racism remember those “good white supremacists at Charlottesville? Now I AM sure you people ( trump supporter) do believe what your media tells you but there still is reality.
monte3 · 70-79, M
@jackjjackson oh and yeah hate is increasing and it is rising from the right.
sunsporter1649 · 70-79, M
monte3 · 70-79, M
@PrivateHell I actually agree that Biden is responsible for what happens during his term. But January 6 was more than a “mistake” during trump term. Not committing to a peaceful transition , stirring up the gullible base goes beyond a policy mistake.
@monte3 God what a load of crap...
Trump was the first and only president that ran things TO divide not to unify.

The divide we are currently under in this country started before Trump ever announced he was running in 2016. His predecessor did everything he could to separate and divide us all. Granted, Trump didn't unify us either, but you are full of it if you think he started this nonsense.

And when has our "democracy" been safe? First of all it isn't a democracy. Second, I don't call posting armed racist Black Panters out side polling places in 2012, or obtaining illegal warrants and hiring Russians through a third party for a bogus Dossier "secure".
@monte3 even the Trump hating FBI declared that what happened on Jan 6 was not his doing. So, what's wrong with you that you can't get that simple detail?
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monte3 · 70-79, M
@PrivateHell what did obama do separate us besides being Black? There was the “beer summit “ thing but I have always been confused as why that bothered the right. Trump literally only worked for his base. The new book by Woodward has a fascinating point when Barr tells trump that he will lose unless he stops alienating the sir burns by being an *sshole and trump tells him in effect that that is not what his base wants.

And when has democracy (or representative democracy is you prefer) been safe? As long as the losing side respects the process, which has been all the time. No one before trump has said he will not commit to a peaceful transition, no one has said ,without evidence, that “if I lose its rigged”. No one has disputed the results without evidence. No party has ever gone along with such treason. Half the house republicans voted not to certify. And still without evidence- because who needs stinking evidence- half, at best of Republican voters still believe the lie.

And posted black panthers? You believe that? 😊
sunsporter1649 · 70-79, M