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Pretzel · 61-69, M
I'd rather see a "meh" option
Bri89 · 31-35, M
Personally, I don't see the issue. Unless it interferes with how many coins one can earn, it's easily dismissed. People are making it a bigger issue than it is.
Viper · M
It doesn't bother me, but since it's bothering people, maybe have it so no one can see it except the user that put it on?
Like there is a down vote here, no one coy see that.
Like there is a down vote here, no one coy see that.
@Viper People are sick of all the posts about this particular feature... I mean... just search it, there's thread after thread after thread on it.

Just ignore it. Most people do when they've been downvoted.
CertifiedFreak · 26-30, F
@Tinkles IKR LOL the owner cannot see it but here it is
@CertifiedFreak and I quote;
"This reaction is invisible to users, including the owner of the post."
It's really not lol
"This reaction is invisible to users, including the owner of the post."
It's really not lol
CertifiedFreak · 26-30, F
@Tinkles when u get given a job for SW but dunno what invisible means 😋
Nanori · F
Let's just facepalm and move on
bijouxbroussard · F
Agreed. When the admins were proposing it as a feature, most people voted against it, because predictably it would be used to bully people. And it has been. But since it’s anonymous no one can be held accountable. 🙁
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CertifiedFreak · 26-30, F
@BluntSm0ker TY BBY

It's the stupidest, dumbest, inane, most horrendous "update", it's inexplicable
Nothing that admin has had to say about it makes it seem reasonable or needed, and clearly way more people don't want it than do
Nothing that admin has had to say about it makes it seem reasonable or needed, and clearly way more people don't want it than do
Degbeme · 70-79, M
@SW-User I do wish you wouldn`t hold back with your thoughts my dear. Let it out. 😁🤭
CertifiedFreak · 26-30, F
@SW-User LITERALLY. It’s just there as an option to be a hater without doing so publicly in the comments lol

@CertifiedFreak exactly
iamonfire696 · 41-45, F
[image/video deleted]
If you do it too much to one person you get this warning.I am not really sure what the point is.
iamonfire696 · 41-45, F
@SW-User I downvoted a well known anti-vaxxer here

@iamonfire696 imma start using it on pedophile shit I think, because that's not a fetish, it's a crime.
iamonfire696 · 41-45, F
@SW-User it is, I agree