"Myself" is not one thing it is affected by my current environment my past and how I view the future ,so it always changes depending circumstances/people. There are a few certain things that are consistent regarding ethos that follow me everywhere but they're not really of much gravity when interacting with others . I dont even know if I have a self to begin with or just the consciousness that I am in this body experiencing things at this given moment . I dont think anyone does but maybe they are convinced so . Even my own consistencies are the result of circumstances like biology,timing,others,etc
SatinSecrets · 31-35, M
@PepsiColaP so no in short? Hey that's honestly a fab answer. What is the self? We are ever-growing, ever-evolving beings.

I'm a diamond. Depends which way the light is shining.
summersong · F
I’m always myself. I just don’t let everyone close enough to see my full self.
Nanori · F
@summersong same
wackidywack · 26-30
I think I'm myself most when I'm alone, i try to tone down my personality around people
Pretzel · 61-69, M
the voices in my head took a vote and said we are the same regardless
LadyShagworthy · 31-35, F
I’m myself regardless.
Psycho · 26-30, M
It's not that I have multiple personalities, it's that I have many facets. Lot's of different stimuli that has made connections with my neurons allowing me to like lots of different contradicting things and have beliefs the same.
everyoneknows · 31-35, T
i stopped being myself when none was watching around 10 even tho i had some moments so definitly about 14 i wasnt me anymore
Ferric67 · M
I am one multiple personality all the time, I've had coworkers compare me to a chameleon.
srxwat4 · 70-79, M
I am completely different by myself,usually naked.
Rolexeo · 26-30, M
I'm the most myself when alone
Thereyouare · 56-60, M
Yes maybe act a little silly
Sing maybe even do a dance if nobody is around
Sing maybe even do a dance if nobody is around