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I'm overwhelmed...

Barely slept the night..
helsbels · 26-30, F
Use an app that plays noise to listen to, some have white noise but I like listening to rain, it is something that the brain can focus on but less distracting than other thoughts. I think that's how it is meant to work. Helps me sleep so much faster anyway.

Some people write down the thought or worry they have before sleeping but I've never tried that.
helsbels · 26-30, F
@Rilynn Yeah, I used to lay awake for over an hour every night but I set it to play for 45 minutes and I'm always asleep before it ends. The one I use is called relax melodies. The idea is it is low enough to just be background noise and it's consistent too so it's a continuous sound, if anything it covers up any other unexpected noises that would distract you while trying to sleep.
@helsbels I think I'm starting to like the sound of this...
helsbels · 26-30, F
@Rilynn Just wondering, did you give an app a try at all? Has anything you tried helped?
Well I'm on oxycodone and fetanyl and hardly slept any either
@SW-User Maybe a cuddle can fix this....
Lostpoet · M
@SW-User Be careful with the fetanyl liss
@Lostpoet I know baby
Rasengan101 · 31-35, M
I get overwhelmed so easily
My anxiety creeps inside of me
Makes it hard to breathe
What's come over me?
Feels like I'm somebody else
I get overwhelmed so easily
My anxiety keeps me silent
When I try to speak
What's come over me?
Feels like I'm somebody else
I get overwhelmed
@Rasengan101 That's how I feel too. At least someone understands me....
GLITTER · 36-40, F
Trying some muscle relaxation videos or sleep talk downs, they’re really helpful for me
@GLITTER Or extreme workout 😶
GLITTER · 36-40, F
@Rilynn hmm I tend to be pumping after a workout lol
@GLITTER I won't get into that. Too much adrenaline drives me wild too 😶
Myocite · F
When you find out please let me know!
@Myocite No good no good we need more intensity here then
Myocite · F
@Rilynn I am intense. It's the mind that won't stop
@Myocite I got my methods too.
Viper · M
Melatonin an hour before you want to go to sleep helps, especially if you can sleep in.
Viper · M
@Rilynn First off, I seem to be overly senative to it, is maybe it just effects me differently. But usually I laugh off anything that says this will make you sleepy... because not never ever does. Even NyQuil doesn't nessarily get me to sleep.

But with melatonin, I can take the smallest dose and get sleepy and taking a normal dose I can have trouble driving if I don't get enough sleep.

So stay slow with it and be careful if you have to drive until you know the right doses for you.

Sorry for the stupid warning, but I almost crashed, before I found the right dosage for me.
@Viper I'll check. I'm quite resistant to stuff tho so shouldn't really be an issue.
Viper · M
@Rilynn well that's what I'm saying, I'm resistant to all sleep stuff, except this... and only this as far as I can tell.

I used to completely ignore all sleep warnings as a complete joke for my body, this is the one exception I've found...

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