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Americans Don't Understand The Truth About China

Cyrus Jenssen

Many Americans view China in a completely wrong way. They only view it from the eyes of an American. But how does a Chinese person view China? Is China a threat to the USA? Is China going to overtake the US? In today's video I break down my thoughts on the America's foreign policy towards China and reveal the truth about China.

DeWayfarer · 61-69, M
I both agree on some things and absolutely disagree with other things on this video.

What he is proposing is dangerous not just to ourselves but the whole world as well.

Everything China has done the last few decades is not to get along with the rest of the world. That's Chinese propaganda coming straight from the Chinese government!

Looking at the boardering countries only shows this.

Why did they take over Tibet? Why are they being so aggressive with India? Why are they claiming the waters in the south China sea, far far beyond the internationally agreed upon 20 mile zone? Actually hundreds of miles south of them.

No China is far from not minding their own business. They are extremely aggressive, yet in a passive way. They just don't... give... up..! They don't stop pushing. And they have done this method of passive aggression historically throughout their millennias of existence.

What he does have totally right is our aloofness in being the best and that it is absolutely wrong to believe the China government will collapse. That's not the passive aggressive trait!

They will just keep on nibbling a little bit at a time. And this "western" society really just doesn't know how to deal with those that are passive aggressive other than to attack. Confronting them head on.

That just won't work either. Because he is right in that they are a first world power and is only going to get bigger.

What really puts the nail on this guy though is how he is approaching his arguments. His refusal to say what the real western societies problem is.

This guy is a Chinese propaganda specialist! He is pro chinese government despite him saying he is pro US. And why he emphasises that part "when" he does!

Yes, there are huge problems in the western society. Yes, we are aloof and should really do something about our aloofness.

We are arrogant! We often think we are better and say that we are the most free society in the world when we are not as free as we would like to believe. Hense the current problems that we are facing.

Yet saying China is not aggressive is like saying a lizzard is not a carnivore. Sure it's slow in cold weather. It still eats meat!

Ever wonder why most Orientals have a fascination for dragons, snakes and lizards? How about godzilla?

It's that passive aggressive approach. Don't waken a sleeping dragon. Just steal a little bit at a time approach.
kentex35 · 100+, M
A lot of good points and mostly correct. I'm sure there are a lot of politicians want to see China never get better than#2. That way the politician can act as if he is very responsible for keeping America great. Pun intended. This guy hasn't lived in the states for 14 years and some of his judgements are based on what his grandma says about how she feels.
I'm sure by now be probably reads a local news paper. After 14 years his Mandarin should be fluent. But it's a government run or heavily controlled. Aka propaganda. The american people have nothing against China or is population. We don't like one party government. We have enough trouble getting to vote in good help with multiple choices. But in my book a choice is just that a choice. Even if it's just picking the lesser of two evils.
With growing populations its bound to have many statistics that grow with it. If one in a hundred thousand is a serial killer that means 2 in 200k possibly. China is a very strict government, if you complain in public protest, your going to be led out in public, forced to your knees and shot in the head. Or maybe you'll get 30 years. We're ok enough to get out of our mess and when push comes to shove its the bullshit that stands aside. China won't collapse. Its kind of government might. And,hey Mr John Q Publix what are we talking about here, the price of eggs in China or the wear and tear on a chickens ass?
I appreciate what he trying to say. And agree with a lot of it. But where would I
rather live? I pick the US. Were and all. And no one should be allowed to force their ideals on another sane human. We have our share of zealots. Some pushing gun rights thinking Democrats want to take them;they don't, they want the nut cases sane enough. And other zealots that believe women don't have enough sense to be in charge of their own bodies or make decisions concerning their lives and that an Evangelist from Washington DC is more qualified about her situation. Know better.
That you, I need to vent. This is just my humble opinion that I am passionate about.
Peace be with you.
Nanori · F
They don't understand the truth about any country tbh
Jake966 · 56-60, M
People in China are good the government sucks
Tres13 · 51-55, M
beware of the sly yellow man

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