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Did You Ever Wonder What Would Happen If Aliens Landed Here Now?

Carissimi · F
This is so funny! @wasityou
wasityou · 46-50, F
@Carissimi I thought so too which is the reason I saved it from another post. Thanks whoever that was, lol.
cherokeepatti · 61-69, F
@Nobody00 hate to tell you that I’ve talked to two Indians, one Cherokee & one Kiowa who had experiences in rural areas on Indian lands in rural Oklahoma. One incident happened in the late 70’s and my friend told me witnessed his friend and several others taken on board by small grays and his friend was probed in the nasal cavity area. He didn’t know what they were doing, they all lost their free will to get the hell out of the area when the craft landed and the ones who were taken aboard were ordered on the craft. I didn’t know what to think of this story but he said they all had foggy memories that came back later and it was the same experience. His friend who was taken on board had a medical episode when he was in his 50’s, they didn’t know if it was a stroke or heart attack so they ran an upper body C-T scan and found some type of device embedded in his sinus cavity. The doctor told him he’d never seen anything like it and didn’t know what it was. I worked with the Kiowa woman and the subject came up and I told her what happened to my friend and his friend. She started telling me what happened to her and it was nearly identical in description except she was the only human involved. She woke up one night about 2 a.m., her parents were at a Pow Wow that weekend and her brothers and sisters (adults) were home and asleep. She saw a glowing light over the top of the hill in the rural area on Indian land where she lived and she said she was curious enough to go outside and what it was. She lost her free will and was drawn up to the craft, same type of beings (small grays) and she was drawn on board. They were messing with the back of her neck for the longest time, she didn’t know what they were doing and they eventually released her. She was afraid to tell anyone and she too had foggy memories that slowly returned. She said she got dizzy after that when she went to an airport and never had a problem before. I asked to look at the back of her neck and their was a scoop-mark shaped scar on it. I saw similar things on a show about this subject with people showing their scoop-mark scars.
cherokeepatti · 61-69, F
Nobody00 · F
I don’t believe in aliens but if they were real I would be happy to see them
cherokeepatti · 61-69, F
Nobody00 · F
@pianoplayingsteve this is called trolling
Nobody00 · F
wildbill83 · 36-40, M
I'd point them in direction of democrats and beg them to take them all... 🤔
Yeah, the aliens like to keep us at arms length. Understandably.🛸👽👋👋
whowasthatmaskedman · 70-79, M
And what makes you think he would land in America now???😷
"But why is he glowing orange" they asked.

cherokeepatti · 61-69, F
@SethGreene531 uh who is glowing orange? Biden?
@cherokeepatti LOL, no, had they touched down in time to meet Trump.
Well before his subsequent political demise and reelection failure.
cherokeepatti · 61-69, F
@SethGreene531 demise you say?
Striker · M
They are flying in from the south!
pianoplayingsteve · 31-35, M
‘Alien kids are just as talented and bright as white kids’ would be Biden’s attempt at diplomacy with them.

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