JoePourMan · 61-69, M
It happens but it is of my my own chosing so I don't mind

That's also me
Tomorrow · 56-60, F
@SW-User :(
ImplodingVoices · F
I think that is a lot of us.
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@ImplodingVoices it makes sense that this place would attract similar people, but then a quick check of the posts and I think we are VERY dissimilar as well 😆
ImplodingVoices · F
@Ghostinthemachine lols.. I think that people, on some level, want to connect and be understood. We want interactions that make us feel valued.
@ImplodingVoices absolutely

I used to think that way.
I don't know how much of it was true in the end. I think people were willing to help and be there... I just never asked.
I don't know how much of it was true in the end. I think people were willing to help and be there... I just never asked.
Tomorrow · 56-60, F
@SW-User Some are. Some aren't.
NoGamesTolerated · F
I am. I’ve learned painfully not to expect anything from people anymore.
Tomorrow · 56-60, F
@NoGamesTolerated Do away with expectations and you'll never be disappointed.
NoGamesTolerated · F
@Tomorrow As hard as I try even when human decency is at stake, I have to sit it down. I think sometimes it’s being human.
Tomorrow · 56-60, F
Human nature. @NoGamesTolerated

It’s brutal how lonely it gets at times sure ... but life goes on right ? 🖤🎀
Tomorrow · 56-60, F
@SW-User You hit the nail on the head. Absolutely brutal.

I hear you ... don’t lose heart 🌹 @Tomorrow
Tomorrow · 56-60, F
@SW-User Thank you. Maybe things will be brighter after a good night's sleep. Right?
Beatbox34 · 31-35, M
Yes. Usually when I need some help or anything in general. Nobody's around.
This is why I keep it to myself now.
This is why I keep it to myself now.
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Sometimes..but when I feel down I usually feel freakish and isolated so it’s mostly that.
LadyJ · F
That's me in a nutshell!..I'm always the one that my family and friends turn to and unload their problems on... but whenever i need them there's an issue..busy schedule..change of partner thinks it's because thry can't handle me being broken because I'm the strong one..personally i just think they are a bunch of self centred f**kers 🙄🤣
@LadyJ I hear ya
LadyJ · F
@Tomorrow some people are so obsessed with their own problems that they never consider what others may be going through...i made a deal with myself that in 2021 i would mirror other peoples behaviour towards me,if someone treats me with care concern and respect they will with no doubt recieve it back,if someone never asks how I'm doing,i wont be asking sided concern can chip away at peoples self esteem and its a game I'm not prepared to play anymore and i feel better for it already
Donotfolowme · 51-55, F
Nope!! I am very moody
Tomorrow · 56-60, F
@Donotfolowme Happens to the best of us.