Longpatrol · 31-35, M
[image/video deleted]
it's doctored
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Longpatrol · 31-35, M
lol @luvnsunshine
@Longpatrol you can tell because the dick is off on the spacing from the longer word in the original panel.
@Longpatrol I can’t believe this just got me to say “dick is off in the spacing,” in one sentence. lol

Lmao, it was photoshopped. The original wording was solid advice.
firefall · 61-69, M
(a) it is real, I remember seeing it, and
(b) It was never common slang to my knowledge, when it was published, I can only assume it was in the 40s or 50s when the writer was growing up.
(b) It was never common slang to my knowledge, when it was published, I can only assume it was in the 40s or 50s when the writer was growing up.
monte3 · 70-79, M
Wow from what year?
I have some doubts also, but imagine how valuable this specific comic would be if true.
I have some doubts also, but imagine how valuable this specific comic would be if true.
It’s not.
Penny · 46-50, F
vetguy1991 · 51-55, M
Lol who knows 🤷♂️
In this panel dick has been shopped in to replace advice from the original panel, but it’s still funny.
@JustGoneNow So now you’re an expert on dick. 🙄
@KrackerBash No. An expert on advice, the dick was shopped in. 😌
Tres13 · 51-55, M
about doing drugs
Meatboy · 18-21, M
Might be real, never read the comics
496sbc · 36-40, M
wow wow
PrivateHell · M
Lol. And being "gay" meant happy
luvnsunshine · 26-30, F
@PrivateHell Yup, I’m really happy 👀
@luvnsunshine I’m super rainbows from my ass fucking happy.