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We are to get up to 22 inches of snow where I live starting tomorrow 馃憥馃憥馃憥

There will be a milk and bread frenzy at the grocery store 馃檮馃檮
WindTherapy56-60, M
Holy shit! I don't mind a little snow but 22" can "F" right off! That's a bear to deal with that much at one given time. I have a pickup with snow plow and a couple loaders and still wouldn't want to deal with that.

I'll be thinking of you while you're hunkered down. 馃
@WindTherapy i didn't have one of those
WindTherapy56-60, M
@LILY61 Are you in the area getting hit with all that snow? If so I feel for you. Dealing with snow can be a lot of work.
@WindTherapy thanks but i live in a very private community and we have no covid, we have no driveways and there are at least ten people in the area with trucks that have snow plows for the roads...and we didn't even get the snow we were supposed to get...we are between hills...which means i get no radio reception at all but the weather misses us sometimes
Sunnykel7646-50, F

Snow plow time..
Sunnykel7646-50, F
@saragoodtimes I pray everyone is safe. So far so good here. Lots of precautions be given on the news and updates. Safe travels for Alan 馃槉
@Sunnykel76 the garage door just opened, he's home
Sunnykel7646-50, F
@saragoodtimes good deal!
Pa getting nailed tomorrow
just came home from the market
I'm set
Sunnykel7646-50, F
@saragoodtimes you are on the ball. Im heading out shortly. I love PA, just not when we get these huge snowfalls
@Sunnykel76 got out early hate crowds
lol Near State College, PA?
[Edit: fixed location; sorry lol]

The little pre-storm craziness now seems calm in comparison to the lack of TPA, etc., when people were hoarding & stocking up just before/during the early shutdown here (Mich).
Sunnykel7646-50, F
@SomeMichGuy I'm central PA...not sure where a College Station is. Shelves were not yet clear as of 10am
Yeah I鈥檓 in New Jersey and I just looked at the weather. They鈥檙e calling for 20-24. I鈥檓 not ready for this yet lol
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@Stereoguy oh they already are empty lol
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WHAT??? That's crazy!!! Stock up NOW!!!!
Sunnykel7646-50, F
@MrBlueGuy snow shovel check, bread and milk check, water check, wood pellets check, alcohol check 馃榿
@Sunnykel76 Alcohol should be at the start of that list! If you can't get the bread and milk so be it! xD
Sunnykel7646-50, F
@MrBlueGuy this is true...I gotta stay warm right.
Spokeskitties7546-50, M
It鈥檚 funny how everyone wants French Toast when it snows... 馃
@Spokeskitties75 I want ice cream when it snows. 馃き
Sunnykel7646-50, F
@Spokeskitties75 that's an idea
Spokeskitties7546-50, M
@Lilymoon EXACTLY!!! you are on your game Miss Lilly
PeterJ51-55, M
Sounds like a good time to stock the pantry
PeterJ51-55, M
@Sunnykel76 good luck with that. If blizzard shoppers are anything like hurricane shoppers you'll need
Sunnykel7646-50, F
@PeterJ thanks
PeterJ51-55, M
@Sunnykel76 yep, stay warm
Dang ! Hope you are stocked up ! When we heard had blizzards coming mom started cooking . 2 crock pots going . Tortilla soup and stew . We gassed up the generator , got the stock in the barn and fed and daddy stretched a cable from the house to the barn and from the house to the chicken coop , so we wouldn鈥檛 get lost in a white out .
@Sunnykel76 we were out in the country ... country folks know how to survive . I looked forward to those times because Moms corn bread was that Good ! 馃槈
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Sunnykel7646-50, F
@TexChik I loved growing up in the country...and I'm still here. Nothing like moms cooking!
and to think I would be shoveling that sh*t...

Oh darn, I moved outta PA 馃槒
Sunnykel7646-50, F
@Keeper I need to recruit someone to shovel
@Sunnykel76 multiple peoples 鉂勶笍
vetguy199151-55, M
Do you have plenty of wood?
Sunnykel7646-50, F
@RogueLoner I bet they throw some great heat! I'd love to try and cook on one of those. So cool!
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Sunnykel7646-50, F
@RogueLoner that's so awesome! My parents have one just for looks, but not quite like that.
Not a hope in hell I鈥檇 be outa cn there rapid,flights to a sun drenched tropical beach would be on the cards
@Stereoguy was thinking maybe Bora Bora or koh Suomi
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@Stereoguy for starters it would do
PTCdresser5761-69, M
That is more snow than they are calling for here in Kansas City for the whole winter.
Sunnykel7646-50, F
@PTCdresser57 we usually get dumped on like this a few times a year
PTCdresser5761-69, M
Lived in WI up until 2007 I know what you deal with.
Sunnykel7646-50, F
@PTCdresser57 oh I bet they get dumped on
MrsKatherineArch41-45, F
To go along with toilet tissue hoarding.... Be safe out there!
Sunnykel7646-50, F
@MrsKatherineArch this year just keeps giving!! Ty 馃槉
MrsKatherineArch41-45, F
@Sunnykel76 girl, don鈥檛 I know it! I hope the forecast is wrong for you.
Sunnykel7646-50, F
@MrsKatherineArch thank you 馃槉馃槉
I hope Chicago gets some snow lol tired of having green Christmases
Sunnykel7646-50, F
@deadgerbil I agree a little snow is nice on Christmas
Pretzel61-69, M
don't forget the toilet paper
Sunnykel7646-50, F
@Pretzel ahhhh
tenente100+, M
@Pretzel and porn 馃
Sunnykel7646-50, F
@tenente 馃槼
AllAboutLaffs70-79, M
馃槼 ... don't forget a shovel .... yikes !!
Sunnykel7646-50, F
@AllAboutLaffs I made sure I found mine
AllAboutLaffs70-79, M
@Sunnykel76 Post pics !! ... I like to look at it, not be in it ...
Sunnykel7646-50, F
@AllAboutLaffs I will do 馃槉
Going to be 77掳 here today.
Sunnykel7646-50, F
@PrivateHell sounds so nice
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@PrivateHell 馃か
Sledging time though bad if needing to go anywhere
Just starting to snow here now. 馃檮
Sunnykel7646-50, F
@Lilymoon I think ours might start tonight
New England?
Sunnykel7646-50, F
@LILY61 Pennsylvania
@Sunnykel76 mother is from Union town and brother is from Hopwood
@LILY61 I know the area well, I am a born/raised yinzer for 30 yrs
absomething31-35, F
wish it was here...
Hikingguy56-60, M
Okay so it鈥檚 63 out here where I鈥檓 at. I鈥檒l quit complaining it鈥檚 cold!馃お
Sunnykel7646-50, F
@Hikingguy I prob would too if I moved, but for now I don't 馃榿
JimboSaturn51-55, M
@Hikingguy It's 14 here, 5 with the wind chill factor
Hikingguy56-60, M
Yeah no thanks!@JimboSaturn
Ik I asked b4, but I 4got, where r u again?
Sunnykel7646-50, F
@Pretzel I can but theres a lot of snow!!
Sunnykel7646-50, F
@SW-User you will need a shovel
@Sunnykel76 Have one ready. B nice if my housemates (I live in a 4 family house) would help, but I was the only one who thought ahead & bought a shovel & salt. Why do I have to think 4 everybody AND do the work? Something is wrong with this picture.
JimboSaturn51-55, M
Where do you live? WE have nothing here still.
JimboSaturn51-55, M
@saragoodtimes sounds like you kind of like it
@JimboSaturn snow is the only thing that makes cold weather bearable
JimboSaturn51-55, M
@saragoodtimes Agreed! I like a proper winter. If is going to be cold, you may as well have some snow that looks pretty and that you can have fun in. Easy for me to say though since I don't have to drive to work (working from home.) Driving and traffic in the snow sucks and shoveling my driveway at 6 am isn't too fun either .
HairbrushDiva31-35, F
Where is that? I hope we don't even get 2 inches of it.
HairbrushDiva31-35, F
@SW-User Where do you live?
@HairbrushDiva south west Pennsylvania
HairbrushDiva31-35, F
@SW-User Oh. I live in England.
I鈥檓 in pa but they always say crazy snow and we never get it
@Sunnykel76 except about 7 years ago we actually got 22 inches. It was awesome! I mean if it鈥檚 going to snow I want tons of it lol
Sunnykel7646-50, F
@SW-User I just hate having to shovel, icy windshields, and slippery roads
@Sunnykel76 agreed. But when it鈥檚 fresh it鈥檚 awesome!!
JimboSaturn51-55, M
I will have to head to the liqour store :P
Sunnykel7646-50, F
@JimboSaturn I did that
JimboSaturn51-55, M
@Sunnykel76 Good job! :)
snowing here. steady but not a driving snow
Dirtyboyy6756-60, M
Get that snow blower ready!
Sunnykel7646-50, F
@Dirtyboyy67 I don't have one...but my dad has a backhoe.
Stay warm and safe
Sunnykel7646-50, F
losthorizons51-55, M
Yes why. I don鈥檛 get it. Does everyone make French toast? I buy beer and chips. Lmao
Uh-oh, better start collecting your provisions now.
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Sunnykel7646-50, F
@Stereoguy I'm such a Foodie!! That would be awesome!
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caesar761-69, M can all have long as it doesn't snow here...ffs. I HATE WINTER馃槨
@caesar7 i just want it to freeze long enough for all the bugs to die
caesar761-69, M
@LILY61 ....bugs will outlive us all in the end...they will inherit the earth ffs... so they dig themselves deep and come out in warmer weather to multiply. I tell you....we will be extinct before they do. Snow and ice won't stop them.
@caesar7 it kills off quite a few or atleast sends them deep underground or packing to go somewhere warmer....i want them gone now. the past five years i have seen growths and bugs that i have never seen before in my life
tenente100+, M
I've stocked up on toilet paper, gatorade and corn chips. the snow is falling but not my spirit. likeminded town folk have joined me in my quest. our army grows. WE ARE LEGION!!!!!
Sunnykel7646-50, F
@tenente shelves are often bare here
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Sunnykel7646-50, F
@RogueLoner you are so close to me, that's funny!
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Sunnykel7646-50, F
@RogueLoner indeed 馃槉
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Ellen46-50, F
@Keepitsimple Me too. I rode my bike three days in a row. It was nice! Snow..go away!!
Keepitsimple51-55, F
@saragoodtimes I hope you鈥檒l be safe and warm. Time to pull out the hot chocolate and hunker down. 馃
@Keepitsimple plenty of firewood, will have a useable kitchen by the end of the day, generator in case we lose power. making eggplant parmesan and went out early for fresh rolls
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Sunnykel7646-50, F
@SW-User as pretty as it can be, I'm not a fan.
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Sunnykel7646-50, F
@SW-User pizza sounds delicious every night 馃榿

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