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Fulfilling a Prophecy? [Spirituality & Religion]

Some of the comments and fantastic claims made by some christian here and IRL defy all logic, They're ridiculous beyond belief.

The bible predicts that, in the "end days" (whatever that's meant to mean), christians will be ridiculed. e.g.
2 Peter 3:3-4
Jude 1:18

Are they deliberately setting themselves up in an attempt to validate the predictions?
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Doomflower · 41-45, M
Many Christians have a serious persecution complex.

Most so called fulfilled prophecies are brought about by people trying to make prophecy come true because it says so in the bible. Kind of sad.
Sharon · F
@Doomflower Those they haven't managed to fit to some real event they simply claim are "yet to be fulfilled". Sooner or later some event will occur that could, with a bit of poetic licence, be interpreted to loosely match a prediction. Good job these predictions aren't time limited. :)
bugeye · 26-30, F
it's to cause a win-win scenario. think it's true and good. your faithful. think it's BS then you're part of the ones predicted to ridicule thus validating the prophesy.

it's a BS catch 22 and even when there proven to be BS there's excuses ready.
Sharon · F
Good point. It certainly appears to be the case.
Sharon · F
It's really funny the way they try to ridicule all other religions. They don't seem to realize that their disparaging comments can be equally well applied to theirs.
Doomflower · 41-45, M
@Sharon when I was in my teens my mom called buddhism silly and I turned it right back around on Christianity without thinking. I was like, "well they might say the same of Christianity" and she acted so offended. At the time I was quite naive.
Sharon · F
@Doomflower Christians are very arrogant. They happily disparage other religions and insult their followers but expect everyone to respect them and accept their BS without question.
suzie1960 · 61-69, F
@Sharon @Doomflower They're hypocrites, always applying double standards.
Ingwe · F
lol... there you go with the condescending ridicule
Sharon · F
@Ingwe So what are you doing then?
Ingwe · F
@Sharon reading articles
rob19 · M
It's difficult to imagine they're really as stupid as they appear to be.

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