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Need dog advice

My 2 problems is 1 pitbull I have named roxy has high energy so if she gets excited when we pull in driveway she will attack my German shepherd which is how it originally started. And lola my pitbull is a pure bred $800 pitbull breed to fight. I ended up with her when someone left her at my house. She is sweet angel but is unpredictable and can flip out over jealousy, excitement, and the german Shepard's taking her toy when shes not looking. She will shake when one of the other females come around that she doesnt like. Then her eyes change before and after fight. Like a death stare. She even came after me twice after we finally broke them up. We did spray them with a fire extinguisher which worked right away. Think I'm goanna get muzzled and let them all just fight for an hour. Wish I could find the right home for lola and her boyfriend toby (a nice loving dog) hes the only one she can run and play and cuddle with. But everyone who has responded is always some young black guy from the bad part of town just wanting to know if she's been spayed.
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Driver2 · M
Pitt bulls kill without warning signs , they are the number one killer if people and other dogs .
Now what do you think you should do?
4meAndyou · F
A pit bull who has been trained from birth to be docile and gentle is a good dog. But your dog Lola should not be around your other dogs. Pit bulls will not let go if they get their prey in their jaws. The jaws lock. Roxy and Lola are really dangerous, and you should think about keeping them caged permanently away from the German Shepherd, or find the German Shepherd a safe and loving home.
Robin1 · F
This is a disaster waiting to happen. I would take the dog to your local animal shelter. Tell them someone dropped it off by your house. Tell them everything you know about the dog so they have the information. They will work with it and try to find it a home. The way it is now you will be responsible if that dog hurts anyone. It’s not fair to your German Shepard either.
AaaSam4 · 41-45, F
1)How many dogs do you have?
2)How old are the two pitbulls? And are they female?
ScarletWitch · 31-35, F
You gonna wake up with your throat gashed out. Be careful.
ExtremeNext · 36-40
If you own a pit you should be in jail for being a idiot
AaaSam4 · 41-45, F
@ExtremeNext Not nice to call people idiots now. Since you sound like an idiot - be cool
ExtremeNext · 36-40
@AaaSam4 🤷‍♀️
CreateTVT · 36-40, M
@ExtremeNext can't go to jail for being an idiot. Which I'm not. You're the idiot who thinks they are bad because someone told you they were or seen one act mean. It's how they're raised. Golden retrievers bite more people than pitbulls. But I bet you wouldn't be scared of them.
kill it ..... humanely

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