Google, I was googling things and ended up at EP, then moved here from EP
DearAmbellina2113 · 41-45, F
I came over from EP. SW is a sad substitute though. Doesn't feel the same at all, thanks to the endlessly "flushing" feed.
sassypants · 36-40, F
Cafe mom shut down the forums and I was looking for another forum with adult interaction.
@sassypants mmm I've never heard of Cafe mom. What was that about
sassypants · 36-40, F
@Theambivert just a place for moms to go to talk about life, babies, relationships, life hacks.... It was very popular.
Nimbus · M
EP > RelateToThat > SW

JoyfulSilence · 46-50, M
I was on EP and this was made by people who used to be on there.
@JoyfulSilence I used to be on EP too
PrivateHell · M
EP, and a need to socialize on some level.
KuroNeko · 41-45, F
A friend from ep made me come here.
Bratt · F
Covid-19 lockdown

What Privatehell said